Anyone have any inside knowledge of 2019 dates? Really want to try and book an onsite resort and have been hosed waiting too long in years past. Hoping to go week after Thanksgiving but want to make the Christmas party so hesitating to book without released dates yet. Thanks!
Christmas party will definitely be going strong by thanksgiving week. It typically starts the second Friday of November IIRC
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Thanks! Just need to try and get exact dates so we can nail down the trip. We dont go for a full week. Thanks!
They will typically be held on Sundays, Tuesdays, and Fridays.
Last year they started Nov 8, and ran every Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday, with the exception of Thanksgiving Week, which had no parties.
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Book your resort, hold on airfare until they release dates?? I suspect they’ll release MVMCP dates sooner rather than later since they released MNSSHP dates SO early this year!! The week after Thanksgiving you should be fine as the others have said.