Memory Maker Share April 1-30 now Full

thanks all— we have 2 groups of 4----- no one else needed for this grouping

I have done MM share 3 times. I have been the “leader” each time. I prefer only having 3 or 4 groups/families on the account; it keeps the pictures more manageable. I know many of you do 6 group shares-- so I may not find any takers for my offer. I’m willing to lead.

I would set up an account (my husbands) that we all could sign into to be able to edit, check pictures, add borders/decorations.

If there are 3 of us— then $57 each
If there are 4 of us—$43

I have paypal, so that would be easy payment also.

Is anyone interested?

I might be interested in joining in. Our dates are April 24-30th

I’m usually type A but have never done a share before and don’t want to spend the $175 for a short trip.

Would you set up a separate MDE acct for the memory maker? I like to view and verify my pictures are there every night when we get back to the hotel.

Absolutely, a separate account, yes, that we can all sign into. You can email me at

Email sent! :smile:

I am interested going april 11-18. Sjrc_79 at hotmail dot com

I sent you an email as well.

Dizzied and Belle — I have ya’ll down, I will get info to you in next day or 2.
Thanks, have a magical and marvelous day/night!!!

dizzied4disney— I don’t have your email address. Are you still interested? Thanks.

Yes I’m still in! Still waking up but I will respond to your email! Thank you!