Memes and Jokes (Part 4)

I think it’s yams (or sweet potatoes?). Yams have relatively high B9 content, and vitamin A, among others per Wikipedia.

ETA: But I’ve never had nor seen edible liver in person, so maybe it IS liver. Liver is known for B12. Maybe the sweet potato is the first thing in the B5 line. Shows how great I’m not at trying to identify these images. Wish there were labels.


Yuck, I’ll stick with croissants. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::rofl:




The grocery store one! I relate, I hate when they do that! :rofl:


Which, I have found, is the most basic function of wine.



blurred for language



:joy: :shamrock:


quote=“gingerSnaps543222, post:1261, topic:102219”]
I think it’s fine to not like a particular artist

Also, not my preferred genre. Pop music is just ok and some I can’t stand, lol. I haven’t heard much of the 3 but I have heard some. Their voices are fine.

It’s a shame talented people have to do so much to get noticed in the first place. My MiL comes over to watch The Voice. I don’t love all the artists or songs but I like that they are selected strictly on vocals and not on appearance.

I think it is.

@dianelynn Irish Guac from now on :rofl:




This is I can sorta relate to. Pop music is one genre that I get “tired” of fast. But Chappel’s music I like the more I listen. Sorta how REM was for me back in the day. But I can do this with any genre really; simple music my brain just figures out too quickly. So take Chris Stapleton and Sturgill Simpson in Country. I like them both but I got tired of Chris’s music but can still listen to Sturgill’s because the music itself is so more complicated. Even my fave artist of all time, Tom Petty, has simple music and I have to take breaks but lucky for me his catalog is long! Another interesting thing I’ve read about and noted in my own relationship is that my mother is a musician and began teaching me piano at 3yo or some such. Definitely by 5 I was taking regular lessons. And I always learn melodies before words. Once my brain as conquered the melody it begins to listen to the words whereas DH is the opposite and immediately starts picking up the lyrics. I’ve read this happens b/w the musically trained and non-musically trained and wonder if that combined with how much classical my mother had me listening to from the in the utero is why I struggle with long-term listening to simple songs. Simple songs can be beautiful though.

WRT to creating an image; I think it’s fun and artistic expression in and of itself. Like fashion as art. We don’t wear what we see on runways but it’s pretty and interesting to gaze at. Except remember those weird dresses…

ha ha ha



I don’t see it this way at all. Especially for those 3! They are just out there being themselves and doing what they love.


Definitely something to it. I do like a story and some depth. I tend to like music that have complicated instrumental components as well. I can listen to music without words for hours on end.

Some are unforgettable! :joy:

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Same. I’m sort of obsessed. I get an 80s pop music vibe from her songs and I like that because I’m old.


But would they be as successful so quickly without so “much” on the outside? I just don’t think so. I’m a little cynical this week though. The outside world has just been a bit extra, lol. So maybe that’s bleeding into my current thoughts on pop music. I generally don’t begrudge anyone their success. And appreciate their work ethic. They didn’t get where they are by doing nothing.

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ditto but also there’s some complexity to her music. Like her songs are actually difficult to sing. I know we all know the words but the musical parts. She’s very Madonna/Cyndi Lauper-esque. and I adored Madonna as a child and watched Girls Just Wanna Have Fun (the dancing movie with Sarah Jessica Parker and Helen Hunt) on repeat.

I remember my parents recording Live Aid and/or Farm Aid. I think it was Live Aid, and I made them record Madonna. Ha ha ha.


Who else read this in their respective voices?


Just the Gordon Ramsey part :rofl: