Ha ha about the hole. I had to hug my sister-in-law whom I hate because my nephew was there and I had to set a good example. Have had to hug my cheating ex uncle too cuz my cousins were there. I will remember this next time this sitch comes up cuz on the inside I was reeling both times.
@Shmebulock !! The English are acting funny again!
Good idea to tag her, she has two little Scottish people of her own so she should know the answer
Is it a snack? A soup?
Or a meal? A sandwich?
A pizza? A calzone?
A taco? A dumpling?
A cannoli? A manicotti?
So no one wants to debate the fact that a poptart can be a type of ravioli!!! Madness. I go away for the weekend and touring plans is all topsy turvy!
An empanada? A panini?
A pasty? A bao?
We - well, two of us - are debating what OTHER things it could be