Massive online check-in stress

Ugh. Not the message you want to get. Try not to worry about it until you arrive at the airport. Worry will not change the scenario, and who knows, maybe it’s just a computer glitch and you will breeze through after face-to-face checkin. Safe travels


Sending you positivity and pixie dust!


Adding to all the others who are sending positive thoughts for stress free travel! And can’t wait to hear about your trip once you’re there!


There’s not much more I can add here…everyone has shared wonderful tips and hopefully, it will help you through the next 24 hours. Sending lots of pixie dust and good, HAPPY vibes your way. Remember, we’re all going to be waiting on you to report back regularly…leaving ALL the control in your hands as to when that might happen. Tables turned. LOL


For updates, see here: Trip report J180 - #29 by inactiveprofile

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And here: Trip report J180 - #44 by inactiveprofile