Marathon weekend- where to stay?

As marathon weekend is rapidly approaching, I’m trying to firm up my plans. DH and I, running the 5k, 10k and half (not ready for dopey yet and the other challenge weekends didn’t work with DHs schedule as a college professor). Kids are staying home.

Currently booked at the tower at Coronado springs. Need to add another night, and also considering changing to either POFQ or the poly.

While I would really love Poly, it’s double the price of the others. As I’m also considering booking the treasure for spring break, I should probably not splurge on this weekend.

Any suggestions for if any of these pull ahead for marathon weekend?


You’re firming up plans now? :flushed:

Given that transportation is the same from all resorts for the races you are running, I would probably stay put at Coronado. I stayed there in Oct for Wine & Dine and the bus service to and from the starting line was incredible - no notes!

If you were doing marathon I would have suggested Poly - if it’s still available at this late date - but since you’re not, the monorail is not an option for transportation anyway to the best of my knowledge and you’ll be on a bus regardless.

I would be especially cautious of doing any kind of a split stay on a race weekend. Not sure which night you need to add (and I sure hope you can find one) but for the longer races in particular it can be a real PITA to be “homeless” from check-out time of 11am until check-in time (which STARTS but which is not guaranteed at 3pm). So definitely be cognizant of that. Less problematic though still uncomfortable to a degree if you have a car and can maintain full control of your belongings between resorts. But I still wouldn’t do it personally. Add the night at CSR or move the full trip to some other resort.


Well yes lol. I have csr booked but yesterday we changed our flight to arrive Tuesday instead of Wednesday, so it prompted a whole re evaluation of everything, cause that’s what I do lol. I was able to add the night at csr.

No plans for a split stay, and there seems to be plenty of Tuesday availability (and for all 5 nights if you don’t mind passing on the whopping 5- 10% discount that weekend).

Was just seeing what other resorts were available for all 5 nights- would not change mid stay. I’ve stayed at csr before and don’t love the food court, have not stayed at pofq so was thinking a new resort could be fun.

Just being a good Disney overplanner who likes to re think everything.


Oh gotcha. I completely misunderstood your meaning!

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Ran Dopey last year. Stayed at AoA but had a rental car. It was interesting seeing how the week progressed - and we actually had torrential rain that derailed the half, of course that was a logistical nightmare. If you have a car, let me know as I can provide further guidance.

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All of the resorts have great transportation to the races. Each resort will have buses lined up somewhere. It’s usually a little off from where the park buses normally pick up, but it’s not too far away. Most of them would use where Mears/Sunshine/DCL would pick up.

The Monorail resorts do use their unique transportation for the half and full.

If you are going to drive to the races (and it’s actually fine, that’s how I do it), it’s a little easier if you are staying somewhere south of Epcot.

I’d say you’re good where you are!

Agree with what others have said about transportation to/from races being equal across the board.

What I would pay closer attention to is getting to/from parks on race day. I ran the marathon last year and then we spent a few hours at Epcot after. Staying at BWI it was easy to just walk over but if you’re trying to get to the parks I’d just consider the road closures and traffic congestion before hand so you can give yourself enough time to get theee.

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