Magic Gone šŸ˜¢

I agree with you on this one. And Disney did this in the beginning with tickets. E-Tickets cost more. You want to ride more you gotta pay more. You want to ride newer/more advanced rides, you gotta pay even more. Always been the market model for Disney. Maybe they did free FP for so long so people would get hooked though and then fork out extra.


To play the devilā€™s advocate: If you bought your park tickets after G+ was implemented, then you bought knowing WDWā€™s rules of the game so you implicitly agreed to the G+ rules with your purchase.


That is trueā€¦but if the choice is between not going at all, and putting up with Disneyā€™s thievery, I still choose to goā€¦because I still find magic at Disneyā€¦but we also ride a lot fewer rides nowadays.

(To be fair, I consider ANY pay to skip the line service at any park to be thieveryā€¦but Disney has figured out how to maximize impact on guests moreso than other parks!)


We were just at OkW last month and I believe our chips were still ā€œhouse madeā€

This is last couple of days- hopefully itā€™s a fluke of some sort but itā€™s got OKW social groups buzzing.

Iā€™m sure.
I will say I ordered the turkey sandwich at goods (probably around 7-8 pm) and was told they were out of them for the day, and I was perplexed they couldnā€™t just have the kitchen make one.
So obviously it appeared they werenā€™t made on siteā€¦
But Iā€™ve never been a huge fan of OKW qs.
I think the setup stinks and the menu kinda sucks- but the tuna is goodā€¦


but Disney has figured out how to maximize impact on guests moreso than other parks!)

on this you and I have always agreed!

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I must join these groups- itā€™s one of my home resortsā€¦ links?

Agreed -OKW QS is not why we love it there but Oliviaā€™s is a family tradition for us no matter where we are staying on or off property- last day was Oliviaā€™s, changes to the menu really bothered us a lot. Without a doubt quick service needs a boost, and needs a bigger spot.

Links I have no idea how to do-

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Thanks for all the info. I have a good friend who has already gone the Universal route. Definitely will give it a lot of thought.


This is us. Our 2013 trip was our first foray into what an alternate trip might look like when we brought 2 family members who couldnā€™t ride many rides due to back and neck injuries. Then our '22, '23 and '24 trips were considerably less ride centric. We enjoy visiting with CMs more. Afterall they are the ones responsible for everything. Weā€™ve finished our 2024 trip yesterday and were commenting on how it seemed there was less rudeness this trip. Weā€™re looking forward to our December trip. Canā€™t really do much about the heat other than visit in winter. :hot_face:


Count me in here as well. I had quit using fast pass before 2019. Have no plans to pay to ride with this new system.

As my youngest grandson has said for decades, itā€™s Disney World. Tho @melani_875095 mentioned problems across the board. While I donā€™t disagree with some complaints I aim to figure work arounds. Some work better than others. I keep thinking of ā€œitā€™s kind of fun to do the impossibleā€


For me what makes Disney Disney is the IP related rides and attractions. If we canā€™t do all of the ones we want to do, then the trip was decidedly less-than.

What happens in threads like these, though, is the positions end up shaking out to less-theme-park-more-world-view positions.
Some folks want the tables completely level for everyone.
Others celebrate the pay-to-play, money buys privilege facets.
Still others want to see the biggest benefits roll out to those who put the most sweat equity into it.
Then there are those who cite disabilities (physical, financial, etc.) and want compensatory measures.

Whatever position we hold, we rarely accomplish more than just maybe helping others to see where we are coming from vs changing minds.

We all get to decide when WDW stops being satisfying. And it initially had been sad for me to recognize it wasnā€™t what it used to be for my family. The good news is we found so many other things that we actually like better.

But it does suck that itā€™s going to cost more for four of us in 2024 than it did for 8 in 2016 (the last time DH went) and Iā€™ll have to be looking at the dang phone all the time.


There is a lot to your statement. My world view being decidely that thereā€™s a silver lining nearly always and often things work out for the best if we give them time. And I get out of things what I put into them.

But thatā€™s just me. As much as my way of looking at the world informs my Disney experience, so too does my physical ability which has been changing. So Iā€™m investigating ways of adjusting, without utilizing Disney resources as much as possible.

Thank you for your perspective. And I agree - the rising costs are tough.


Weā€™re leaving for what will likely be our last Disney trip. The only reason for the trip is our youngest grandson has never been. All 4 of our grandchildren are looking forward to Epic Universe.
My first experience with Universal was because my daughter and I were on a long trip at WDW and had an extra day so we decided to go for it. Got a room at RP. Fell in love with both the parks and the resortā€¦ This was back in the 2009 range so Uni had not even introduced HP yet. Maybe because 2nd place tries harder but the staff and park workers were nicer. Th crazier thing is some work at both WDW and Uni. Maybe Universal is a better place to work? I donā€™t know but I felt like Universal appreciated our business.
By 2009, Iger had taken over and customer service has sailed off the cliff. This is not a slam on cast members. It just seems that while Eisner was about customer satisfaction, Iger is strictly about the money. Yes, Disney is a business but it was a business before Iger took over. Maybe he doesnā€™t realize that you have to keep people happy while going after their pocketbooks and wallets.


I object to Disneyā€™s ongoing practices of removing value added features and then raising prices too. Obviously we all know that you pay a premium but with the changes made, Disney is wearing their value added proposition. We are going in two weeks and spending an insane amount of money. I am still excited about going but realize this is the last big trip and we will have to change our approach in the future.
As far as rude guests are concerned, I try to remind myself that I am on vacation and try not to drink their poison. The only exception is if I see somebody being rude to a Cast Member. I do not tolerate that and will jump in. I am a tall fat guy so nobody is going to mess with me!


100% this



Maybe, yes. You should go to Universal instead.

Iā€™m sorry but you ARE a lucky person to be going to Disney for so many years. I have been ONLY once in my lifetime. Everyone should experience it at least once.

Children need strollers. People with mobility issues need wheelchairs. Consider yourself lucky you actually donā€™t need one.

It might have been your favorite place so I understand the sadness. But maybe making some changes or not visiting for a while and lowering your expectations will make another visit superb.

For us itā€™s money. We canā€™t afford it. Our business hit the bottom, so we canā€™t even afford any trips. People who have more want more. Thatā€™s human nature.
We have to start appreciate smaller things or we will be disappointed most of the time. Often, itā€™s hard to accept new things especially when we experienced great things.
I hope your magic returns. And in the meantime, try to find something else you might love.
Hugs! We all need it. The pain is real.


What TS stand for???

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