LL options for touring plans

We’ve booked a trip for next June and I’ve started putting together a TP but when I try to use the LL option I’m told this feature will be supported at a later date. Do we know when that later date will be?

Have you tried using the phone app? I was able to do a pretty good TP going back and forth between the desktop and phone using the different features.

I will give that a try.

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You can enter in an LL time but it won’t give you an estimator of a probable return time. That is coming. For now, just monitor the times and put in a rough guess.

I’m guessing you’re clicking on the LL button down on the individual plan steps. That gives you the pop-up that estimated return times will be implemented later.

If you open up “Advanced Options” near the top of the plan, there’s an LL button that allows you to input all your (anticipated) LL times.

(I had the same problem the other day.)

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Yep, that’s exactly what I was doing. Lol