Picking MLL in 45 minutes for 9/7.
Not early entry eligible
SDD & TSM available late afternoon
ST currently 9:15
Frozen dash at 9:05 (still a thing?)
Which would you do for early pick or would you do something else?
Picking MLL in 45 minutes for 9/7.
Not early entry eligible
SDD & TSM available late afternoon
ST currently 9:15
Frozen dash at 9:05 (still a thing?)
Which would you do for early pick or would you do something else?
Your title says DS (Disney Springs) when you mean HS (Hollywood Studios).
I am not sure what Frozen dash is. Frozen ride is in EP. The Frozen sing-along doesn’t seem worth a LL. ST rarely needs a LL. But you could use it to tap in early so you can start getting same day LLs for later in the park, or if you plan to hop, in another park.
What about ToT? What else is available?
Tot isn’t until 1:40
I know I don’t need LL for either of those but are people still tapping in for Frozen singalong to open their picks day of to grab another Tier 1?
Muppets is only other early option.
Oops on title!
I’ve read that people are doing this. Seems like a good strategy. The issue is that if you want to do ToT, you may miss out unless you catch a drop.