Keys to Kingdom Tour - difficult to book?

I’m quickly approaching my 60 days before arrival. How difficult is it to grab a reservation for the Keys to Kingdom tour? Is this something that opens at midnight for booking? And what tour time is the best one to pick?

I don’t think it’s overly difficult especially if you’re flexible in your timing

It’s nowhere near as hard to get as other tours like WAT or the Rhino tour

I don’t know that it opens at midnight - I booked it in the middle of the day, well after the 60 day mark

When would this be? Mid-November? I don’t think time matters all that much then.

Sat 11/16 or Mon 11/18 are my two target dates, and if I have to Sunday 11/17…I just looked at November availability the weeks before my trip, and couldn’t find any availability, so made me think it might be difficult to grab

I also want to grab an Eat to Beat dining pkg for either Sunday 11/17 or Monday 11/18

I booked my June tour less than 30 days before because I wasn’t sure whether I was going to be in WDW in June. There was only one time availability for the day I picked when there are 4 tour start times each day. It was just me so I don’t know if just me made a difference compared to more people in your party.

But when I originally signed up for the tour for an April date, I vaguely remember the times dropped before 6 AM ET. I want to say they dropped around 1 AM - 2:30 AM ET. I just watched it for a few days because I’m on PT!

Good luck! I loved the tour. My favorite part was seeing a partial costumed Cinderella in the underground tunnel. She had her hair and make up done. But she didn’t have on her dress. Yet, we could all tell she was Cinderella!


It should open at midnight.

The tour doesn’t run at peak holiday times. For example it didn’t run at all between Dec 23rd and Jan 2nd when we were there. I’m not sure if there’s any pattern about how hard it is to get. I would try for as late in your trip as you can if staying onsite.

Personally I would go for the first tour of the day if you can.

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Reservation secured at midnight but wanted to comment here for future reference my split stay didn’t give me full 60+ access for full trip. I could only see availability my arrival day and the next day, with my first portion just a one nighter.

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Sadly that’s true of ADRs and the “enchanted extras”.

The only thing that recognises a split stay as continuing is the LL system (as did FP+).

Ah lesson learned! Somehow in all my reading and research I totally missed that. I have to wait now to grab my eat to the beat dining pkg