It will be fine! Nobody died - I assume, I haven’t actually read it.
It was fine. Just annoying for the passengers.
I wouldn’t be too cross if it was the flight home. But if it was the flight out …
It will be fine! They just ended up in Boston! This is the second time I have heard about a portable charger catching on fire.
This is why you shouldn’t make plans for arrival day!
All I’ve got are three FPPs and a dessert party. What could go wrong?
When do you leave?
Well, that all depends on your anticipated arrival time, doesn’t it? If you arrive at 4pm, yeah, that might be a problem. If you arrive at 9am though, no worries at all!
Wait…“not the worrying type” where is @sanstitre_has_left_the_building and who has taken over his account?
@sanstitre_has_left_the_building had his profile taken over by the long gone now defunct person who ran profmatt’s profile. Man, I miss Profmatt. He was really funny and contributed a lot to this board. If only we could get him back somehow…
He had great charts too and trip reports! Those were the days…
Yeah, this Matt is soooo different from the other Matt, because he isn’t a worrier like that other Matt was.
Opposites really.
My flight arrives at 3pm and I’ve made it to the parks by 7pm on each of the three trips I’ve done so far. Of course things could go wrong, which is why I always duplicate whatever my first night plans are on other nights, just in case.
You seem to have forgetten that I lie a lot.
I contribute less — perhaps — than I used to. I have, sadly, become much more circumspect about what I write and share here.
That being said, next week I embark on my fourth trip to WDW and UOR and I will certainly be blogging a trip report while I’m there.
I Hope you got that I was joking! . But I did love the detailed planning and reports. I’m happy to hear you will be next week— looking forward to it!
I am disappointed you didn’t take the Virgin Pride flight.
@sanstitre_has_left_the_building - will you be posting in the ‘where in the world’ picture thead?
I didn’t even know that was a thing.
I’m far too self-regarding to post in a thread someone else has started!