ISO MM Share January 29 - Feb 2nd

Hello All! I know this is last minute, but I am looking for a MM Share for the end of the month. I know of 2-3 groups of people (including my own) between the dates of 1/28 and 2/20. Looking for 2 or so additional groups. Also, I could host - but have not done it before so you’d have to be patient with a beginner.
Please respond and let me know if you’re interested. This would need to get set up quickly!


I have 3 groups between 1/28 and 2/20. I’d like to find 2+ more. I am also comfortable hosting!

I will be there 2/3-2/7 and would be interested in joining. Have never participated before though!

Hello Monkeyspazlolo! So happy to hear from you!

I’ll give you a quick tour of how it would work.

I’ll host - so I will create a dummy account to purchase MM on. Then everyone with their own MDE account in the groups that I’ve found in our date range will add the dummy account as a friend and give the dummy account access to their pictures. At the end of the last groups’ trip I will give access to the dummy account to each of the groups to download their pictures from. While in the parks you can scan your magic band with any of the photographers/rides and collect up all of the pictures you want. They’ll show up in your mde with a watermark, but in the dummy account without it.

The normal price of MM is $170, I will divide that by the number of groups that end up in the share, then everyone will pay me their portion via PayPal.

Let me know if you’re still interested. Hoping to get 5 or so groups which would make the price $34/group.

definitely interested! will message you :slight_smile: