Is Tron the first WDW attraction for which we won’t need an abbreviation?

I’m just looking forward to becoming one of you Maelstrom / Wishes types and tediously droning on about how Splash was so much better.


I know. I am being a @ryan1 to say this but…

BLSRS is not an acronym. Nor is TLPR, nor RRR, etc.

FOP is. MIB is. (Or, they can be.)

Also not: PPF, POTC, JC, WTP, NRJ

Those are abbreviations, and specifically initialisms. Not acronyms. Acronyms must form pronounceable “words”.


Not being a @ryan1, I refrained from pointing this out. :smirk:

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Fact: MCO is an acronym. I will fight anyone who disagrees.

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From Wikipedia:

Now, you may say that this is just the opinion of some website, which is not authoritative. But then @ryan1’s view is just the opinion of some guy on the internet, which is surely even less authoritative.


And here’s what the OED has to say about it. The OED is pretty damned authoritative. Words and their definitions only get in there if the editors can find those words in use in respected texts, which they then cite.

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So…the OED agrees with me. Although it was never my opinion. It was me repeating what a great number of dictionaries purport.

I found it interesting that the OED recognizes that some people call things like ATM an acronym…but then points out that the OED actually calls those initialisms, and then refers to definition 2 for what it appears to be a more proper definition of acronym. I have never actually noticed a dictionary declaring an opinion on a word matter like that before!

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:exploding_head: Learning something new today :grin::+1:t2:

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I’ll give the people that Wishes still holds the top spot.

Splash? Meh. It’s ride themed after a movie no one has seen and a song that rivals IASW for annoying earworm-ness. Bring on Tiana.

Ahem. I have seen it. I remember really liking it as a kid.

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Me too. Then I rewatched it online a couple of years ago.

My opinion changed.

Mine likely would as well. My expressing that I had an opinion was more about the fact that I remember enough to have had one, and not about whether I approve of the content or anything now. I also used to really like The Goonies. Then I watched it as an adult!

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Not sure how to understand that.

I’ve only ever seen the Goonies as an adult. It’s one of my favorite movies. :upside_down_face::neutral_face::face_with_raised_eyebrow:


Oh. Um. Yeah. Uh. Me, too. :wink:

(In truth when I saw it as an adult, I was embarrassed to admit I ever liked it. It was so cheesy.)

Yup! It’s got a great script. And good director.

But then I also like Big Trouble in Little China and Ant-man. Among others. :grin:

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Nope. Just the latest. None of them need abbreviations IMHO because all abbreviations make my brain work extra hard. I literally have to slow down, think, and process what I’m reading, instead of just reading it.

Tiana’s Interesting Times, eh? :face_with_peeking_eye:


What’s wrong with the Goonies??

I’ve seen that fairly recently and thought it was still a terrific movie :skull_and_crossbones:

I mean I will snigger at One Eyed Willie just the same now as I did when I was ten, but :woman_shrugging:t4::rofl::woman_shrugging:t4:


Me too!!

Never say die!!! :skull_and_crossbones::skull_and_crossbones::rofl::rofl:


I honestly thought it held up well.

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