Is there a way to give special kudos to helpful cast members that doesn't involve twitter?

During our recent trip, I kept a list of cast members who went above and beyond for us. I know you can do something twitter-related to let their bosses know, but I don’t tweet. Does anyone know if there is another way I can report their excellence? TIA!

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Thank you!

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You can also stop by Guest Services (or Relations…I forget what they call it) and fill out a card there. (Edit to add: Well, you can when you’re there. Once you’re home, then email is the only way. I prefer to do it in the moment which is why I know about the cards.)

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I wish Disney would use Guest Services and not Guest Relations. The latter sounds a little creepy, frankly.

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Darn, I wish I had known about the cards at the time. Oh well. Email it is!

Ewww…good point! That hadn’t previously occurred to me, but now I’ll think about it every time I hear the phrase!

You’re welcome ? :slight_smile:

++ @missoverexcited’s …

Don’t forget to include a date, time, location and the Cast Member’s first name.

I’ve done this multiple times and always get a response email.

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And if it is a character meet, the exact time you were there. My first experience meeting Merida was 100% the best character experience ever! I went to Guest Relations to ask if there was a way to compliment a character and the CM said absolutely - just be sure to put the date and as close to exact time as possible so they know which friend to thank. (Solo adult. No kids around. So no Magic was broken.)