Input on Planning WDW Trip for 4 Families

It is very hard for us Liners to have a friend’s WDW trip out of our hands. I was sort of (not really) offended when the wife on one of my best friends posted on Facebook asking for suggestions of where they should stay when they go to WDW for the first time and whether the Halloween party was worth it. I called my friend and said why didn’t you ask me??? The worst part … some of the FB replies contained information that was outdated or wrong (for example, one post was something like “Disney has a great Harry Potter area that you should check out”).


This is a potential problem area especially if mobile ordering is still preferred.

Not a serious problem if you’re aware and have a system in place. Possibly menus - virtual or paper - supplied prior to the trip so family members are prepared and ready to order - at your prompting - before they’re hungry and while pick-up windows are within the times that work best.

Our small number couldn’t get ordering ahead figured out in under 5 days. :sunglasses:

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Great idea!

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I don’t know why a couple of intelligent sensible people were stumbling so much about ordering ahead. Mobile ordering mostly didn’t work for us. We wound up eating 3 unscheduled table service meals rather than mess with qs.
And that’s probably the why - we’d rather eat ts over qs.


So true!

Agreed! I was almost offended when she said her daughters could just google and figure it out. It’s like telling a doctor you don’t need their help, because you have google! I’ve trained for this! :joy:


I haven’t done a very large trip but I did plan one involving us (5) and my in-laws and brother-in-law. My main advice is to not underestimate the time-suck that a large (and likely slow) group is, that in-laws (and maybe little kids too) may need to use the bathroom WAY more than you’re used to, and to be prepared for people to just want to “pop in” to get a drink or to shop when you’re on your way to a ride. A schedule like the ones someone above made would be very helpful, keep them super simple and leave tons of free time in between each scheduled thing. Get input beforehand about anything that people are dying to do. Just be prepared for tons of waiting on people and plan accordingly.

I made ADRs for our group using two MDE accounts, mine and my husband’s.

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I typically narrow down the counter service meals we want for each day, and print out the menus in small font and have a few of them printed and available for people to look at while we are waiting in lines prior to the meals. It saves time when it comes time to order.

These days, I could just send people links and they would have phones. But in the past none of our children have devices, and my mother and aunt would not have known how to look at something on your phones.

This was prior to mobile ordering. I can’t imagine mobile ordering for 22 people.


And bathroom breaks? :wink:

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When I recently took my friend, I built in an hour later in the day for roaming Main Street at MK. When we arrived, I told her not to worry, we would be back, but the first couple of hours it’s more important to do rides.


So many bathroom breaks. :joy::roll_eyes::joy:

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I look at them with a very serious face and say “Hold It” … joking.

I remember DD5 announcing a couple years ago when we finally made it to the front of the line at Winnie the Pooh that she had to go potty. Fortunately, our very kind fellow guests, let DW take her and then pass them in line to catch up to me and DS. That said, I don’t know if the others in line would have felt the same compassion if it was my father-in-law who needed to use the facilities.

I’m a nurse. I can go 13 hours without stopping for a bathroom break and YOU better darn well demonstrate the same ability if you are traveling with me. :wink:

Seriously. My family kills me when we travel.


Haha! I have nurse bladder too, I’ve got a good 12 hour capacity :laughing: I can also finish a meal in under 5 minutes, because you never know when you will get another chance to eat during a shift. It’s hard to be patient with the slow eaters that want frequent bathroom breaks. Imagine if everyone was as efficient as us!


Some people don’t seem to care. Like, my in-laws, cough-cough.

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My DD can too–apparently a good skill since she is in nursing school.

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Sounds like such a fun trip and great family! I’ve planned trip for my family of 4 plus my parents and in-laws so 8. All the parents wanted to stay with us all the time so they could see everything the kids did. Their joy was watching their grandkids. I felt guilty they didn’t do more themselves. I tried to make sure there were some rides/attractions they would enjoy. I was constantly counting heads to make sure we had everyone. You really have to slow your pace with a large group and allow extra time. We went in the summer and I forgot about time to apply sunscreen every morning which took a while with so many people. Like someone else I made daily itineraries and put in plastic sleeves in a binder. They could pull out a new one each day so they knew what to expect. We also had a family meeting before the trip to review and answer questions. It’s good for them to be familiar so everyone isn’t staring at you asking what’s next after every ride. Sounds like you’re well prepared and have reasonable expectations so I’m sure it will be a great trip. Have fun!

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Until now, I thought we could travel together. :rofl: I have the smallest bladder in the world. My girls despair because I need so many breaks. However, I am fast and usually try to take advantage when we’re in proximity to a restroom rather than waiting until I need it.


We’d make it work. I could play Emojis while you ran in. :upside_down_face:

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We can travel together. As soon as I think about needing to stop, I need to stop.

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When I was teaching, I typically had to last 3 hours between bathroom breaks. No way could I make it 13 hours.