Incredibly Sad Disneyland Report 2-22-22

Sadly, that’s just being a crappy parent and not a TP issue… :man_shrugging:


That is so sad :pensive: Why do parents do stuff like this? It’s actually not healthy to try to pee just because a bathroom is available. This is coming straight from my doctor. Once in a while doesn’t hurt but doing it too often can cause problems. I also am in this childs spot a lot. I have a small bladder and DH and DS can apparently hold it all day. :woman_facepalming:
DH on long drives wouldn’t always stop right away when DD had to pee. He want to wait just 20 more mins (why is beyond me, what does it matter to stop now or 20 mins from now). So I then would say I had to pee too and needed to get xyz out of back (usually some medication for a made up ailment). I would just keep talking about it until he gave up and pulled over at the next exit.
I always buffer my plans, adding 20 mins twice a day for snacks, 20 mins for shopping after every 4-5 rides to account for shops, and 20 min break every 2 hours for bathroom and whatever.


My dad said his mother cornered him after he and mom got married and said “When she needs to stop when you are driving, you stop! I lived my whole life with your father not stopping. You do better.” So we always did.

We do joke about the rest stop “just on the other side of Knoxville” going to NC from Nashville because once when I was little I needed to pee and there really was nothing other than grubby gas stations between there and this rest stop - which now with increased speed limits is a lot closer. It seemed thousands of miles away at the time!! And to be fair to him, he thought it was a lot closer than it was at the time or else he would have pulled to the shoulder for me to use the travel potty we had.