Just curious to know how important it is to be on the WDE app at exactly 7:00 am seven days out from our WDW arrival to make our LL selections? (It occurred to me while writing this post
that I can get on ThrillData.com some time after 7:00 am on any morning and analyze the availabilities for dates 7 days in the future… I think??? )
But…I’m still interested in input from others.
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It depends on “how to the minute” you want to be with your timing. I’m not seeing too much where things suddenly sell out at 7:00 am at 7 days to go, but availability does suffer a little bit.
The big restriction about LL is the “pay to play” aspect of it, which does keep a fair number of people away
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You can also watch real time availability in BG1. Just change the date/park you want to watch.
From the patterns I’ve noted, being ready at 7am is most important for the most popular attractions on day 7+3, and to a lesser extent 7+0, 7+1, 7+2, and 7+4. For days beyond that it has diminishing returns. That seems to indicate that most on-site stays are 1-2 nights.
Definitely look at Thrill Data for the specific attractions you are interested in.
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Might also depend on when you go. Demand is going to be higher during holiday times, runDisney times, etc.