And thank you! I never know who actually reads through them so I try to keep them a little light and with pictures.
After going to all the parks with LL I think they most certainly are limiting inventory. I’m used to 5-7 level crowds but also we’ve been during 3-4 level crowds. The lightning lanes are the shortest I can remember. I don’t remember them being very long to begin with but walkon to 5 mins- not bad.
I also think throttling LL inventory contributed to halfway decent standby lines. I wish they could find a way to include more DAS users that really need an accomodation of not waiting in long lines. I know Disney is walking a fine line with this. I don’t see them drastically broadening the covered usage of LL lines for DAS without limiting the amount of people covered under the DAS pass. I think they could toy around with a type of Rider Swap- not the exact plan but a version of it. Something to where the DAS candidate doesn’t have to wait in a long line but to where there isn’t a huge incentive to abuse it. I wish I knew the answer. I really wish Disney knew the answer!
Hope your day is going well! How are the standby lines? I found them mostly tolerable the past few days. At least better than they could be.
It stormed when we were in our last hour at Typhoon Lagoon yesterday. And all I could think was I’m just fine sitting under this umbrella people watching in the storm. Soooo much better to be in the magic than at home.
That’s mainly what I use the irons for. I was just talking to DH this morning. I told him don’t get used to me ironing your shirts. I don’t care if you look like a slob at home.
Parkhopping with LLs - If you are ropedropping and parkhopping early enough (say before 1pm arrival) you should be fine prebooking your LLs at your second park. If you are a mid day break kinda person, go ahead and book at your first park. You should have a decent amount of opportunity to get a nice evening line up. Remember since the 2 hour rule is gone you can book 2 or 3 LLs at a time without having to worry about a resetting clock. There will be a few exceptions for those elusive hard to get LLs (like FEA) but in the early afternoon it looks like a lot of inventory is refreshed.
This new system seems to sway me back to no longer parkhopping, at least not every day. I would grab a hard to get day of Tier 1 and a 9am Tier 2 plus another hard to get Tier 2 and then start churning away. I wouldn’t have to worry about RD or taking a 3-4 hour break.
Aww, Desiree! Sorry to see this (I’m finally catching up on your thread).
I use them! I don’t iron at home because I’ll just pop whatever in the dryer with a damp washcloth for a few minutes, but I don’t have that luxury while traveling. I wouldn’t say I iron every time, but it’s probably at least half. Just getting out the suitcase wrinkles.
I’m wearing a pair right now!
I rode front row twice with @WakandaForever’s Alex and it was like taking a shower!
This is why you need Liner friends to go with!
I love it too! I’ve never been super close to the water, but even from the back it’s so relaxing to look out at the volcano. And the food was good and cheap (by Disney standards). I love it there!
Yay for that! I love DLR!
Um … me!
Thank you. DH bought DGS a book with his name on it in the gift shop at AK. I don’t know his plans for it. I just let him do his thing.
I almost didn’t share it but I think it’s important to show that every single moment isn’t magical and it’s ok not to be. I see too much on social media of people trying to portray “perfect”. We aint it
I think this is probably true on days when I’m starting at MK. But if I’m starting at AK, it’s a great day to park hop given the new pricing!
I maintain hope for that situation, but I know it must be heartbreaking for the two of you! I actually thought you would probably love the new Moana attraction if you had your little guy.
AK is probably the exception also because of the no tiers. But I wouldn’t hop to Epcot.
They all went through it without me on our second to last day in December. It’s one of the attractions DD said she wanted to experience with him for his first time. But I didn’t read her mind enough I guess. She’s STILL complaining that I didn’t facilitate their 1st trip enough. Just last week i had to hear it from an acquaintance that ended up asking my “side” of the story. I didn’t get into it. I told her it’s really petty and what I think is its a misunderstanding or miscommunication and I wasn’t going to pretend to understand why any of it is happening. That I just wish it weren’t.
I might be holding a grudge against the attraction. DH thought I would like it more too. I’ve put off going through it. And then it was so crowded with people it just wasn’t magical.
My foot has really been hurting today. It’s not at the ankle. It’s like the top of the foot, left side from below the ankle to half way down the top of the foot. I can point it just fine. It hurts when I pull my toes toward me to face up, if that makes any sense.
I just hope it goes away soon. I don’t feel like going to another doctor or urgent care. It’s not urgent. My PCP is sooo booked up lately. And orthos aren’t easy to get a quick appointment with either.
Hope it goes away soon!!
Thank you for sharing your experience
Oh…Disney blues…
I loved your report and your photos! You and DH make a cute couple. Looks like you had a great time!
My Nurse Practitioner neighbor (retired) thinks I just over extended it at some point. She says give it a couple more days with ibuprofen and limited movement and reevaluate.
Sounds like a good plan!
There are plenty of pictures where he is acting up, lol. I have to request a smile