I just don’t get it: Why do people do this?

I think the forum knows how generous you are with your likes, so it’s just going ahead and pre-liking posts for you.


How considerate of it. :blush:



This is like when you get a box from Amazon but don’t remember what you ordered.


My DH.
Every. Time.


The biggest factor for us was when we went, which wouldn’t work for everyone - late August. There were lower crowds overall at that time of year. We were offsite and couldn’t rope drop in the traditional sense, so no early entry. This is what we did to get on the ILL rides:
-MK on a Halloween party day, very low crowds all day. We got to 7DMT by about 10am (30 min wait in SB)
-We caught FoP in the last hour of AK being open and walked right on
-We had luck with RotR at the end of the day. The first time we were in within 30 min, the second time would have been about the same but there was a huge storm that we chose to wait out.
-GOTG we rode through the VQ on two separate days and the lines were walk on once and 15 min wait once.

I remember people saying that MK was similarly pleasant on the Christmas party days, so I’d highly recommend trying to go on any party day if there’s one during your visit.


That’s more like it. :rofl:


Oh my gosh. You are too funny.
I can’t tell you how irritating it is when we or on road trips and museums, and sites, etc., don’t open til like 10AM or 11AM.
We aren’t going to sit around hours waiting for something to open. I end up planning to stop further away the night before and getting in some drive time before something opens.


I’m with you. I think I shared a few years ago, but our first trip as a whole family, we stayed offsite at the Sheraton Vistana Villages. When we checked in, they were sure to tell me the pools were open initial 1am. I had a 14 month old and three year old at the time. I was like, “great! What opens at 5am?”



I think it was September 2002, maybe late August…. My oldest was two in August, and the younger one had just gotten out of the NICU on August 1. We had a tight feeding and pumping schedule, and the older one was that busy age and I was so tired. I needed some thing at Bed, Bath and Beyond, about 20 minutes from my house. And by the grace of God, I managed to have them up, fed, dressed, diaper bag, packed, buckled in, and got to the store. Only to realize that, in fact, it wouldn’t open for another hour and 45 minutes. I sat in the parking lot and cried. I believe DH stopped after work. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


I hope this is the saddest story I will read here today. :joy:


Also, after your introductory sentences, I was so relieved to hear that this was not a story about your taking a toddler and a just-out-of-NICU baby to Disney World!


Nah. He was 15 months old before he got there. I’d share a photo, but I wasn’t digital unti 2006.


This is me almost every time. My DH will ask me what I ordered. How should I know - that was days ago!


Thank you. I feel less like an outlier now. :blush:


When you forget what you ordered from Amazon, it makes every day like Christmas! And it is always just what I wanted.