I am pissed at Das and all That take advantage of it

Oh I have no problems asking questions!

I did do a quick read through of your pre-planning and semi live trip report…

Had originally planned our 1st trip with the intention of late January in (the sweet spot between school holidays) to avoid crowds…The announcement last month of the 100th anniversary day on the 27th is smack in the middle of our trip…

At this point I will be retuning our plans over thanksgiving vacation- lol never ends 1st ever beach vacation will have at least 1 day devoted to Disney…


As a mom of a couple neurodivergent kids, and dx as ND late in life myself, this post hit me hard. I’m much more of a lurker here in the forum, but I felt drawn to share my perspective, which has absolutely shifted over time in part due to other people sharing their own experiences.

I was brought up to make myself fit in the “real world”, look pretty darn functional from the outside (as value laden as that is; we have worth regardless of our level of function), and it takes a toll. (See: Understanding autistic burnout).

I teach my kids (and am practicing myself) all sorts of strategies to get through school/life/the day without unnecessary overwhelm/fatigue. That actually includes things like avoiding lines if possible (TSA precheck, hitting the supermarket at off times, signing up for things in advance), essentially, pacing, regulating, and finding accommodations to avoid overwhelm when possible to then be able to handle the lines we can’t skip, or whatever other unavoidable stressful/overwhelming situations we might encounter. Available/accessible strategies are going to vary person to person, but they do actually exist in the real world (and if they don’t, it’s time to take a look at the ableist conditions setting that up; if my kid was in a wheelchair I wouldn’t teach them to always bum scoot up the stairs because “there won’t be ramps in the real world”). I absolutely challenge my kids, and support their continued growth (and ability to do hard things); I also teach them to understand themselves and their capacity and needs.

I know their might be an argument here to “just get genie+”; that might work for some, but still comes with its own set of stressors that might not work for everyone.

Also, as others have mentioned, Disney is not “the real world”! It is an overwhelming, loud, exciting, bright, busy place, outside of a child’s regular routine and strategies. And even if a lot of the stimulation is positive, it is still so much more than usual. If I go as an adult, I choose to go and can pace/regulate as I need, but my kids, as much they want to be there, don’t get that same element of choice/control, and haven’t developed their strategies as much as I have. So just like my 6 yr old may have ridden in a stroller at WDW, when they hadn’t touched one in 3 years at home, they might also need access to extra supports to deal with the stimulation. We can use all of the strategies/tools/coping mechanisms/rest breaks/meds that we have access to, and still benefit from that extra support to have a good experience, and be able to handle the other lines/waiting/excitement/challenges. And believe me, we’ve tried without DAS. POVs like the one in this post had us struggling through one visit because I was worried we didn’t “deserve” DAS, and needed to struggle through. So if you see my kid looking like they don’t need DAS, it’s because we’re using it right (for us), and it’s helping us make it through the day.

I love that DAS isn’t diagnosis based. Any person with any diagnosis could need DAS or take advantage of it. I have one kid who doesn’t need it, who can use their strategies and tools, add in a few rest breaks, and they have the capacity to make it through even a Disney day. The other needs that extra support, or it’s just too much. One thing I’ll agree with OP about is, if you don’t need it, don’t get it. But if I see you in line, I’ll think, “hey, I don’t know their story/needs, glad they’re doing what works for them!”.


This is such a wise thing to say and I just wanted to tell you I love the phrasing on this. It reminds me of back in the early days of covid when I saw somebody say “If it seems like we overreacted, that means we succeeded” - this is the same. I liked your whole post but this part really stuck out.


This I think is so important and that people in general need to remember that…it’s NEEDS based! There is often so much talk of it being for cognitive disorders that physical issues are rarely discussed. I think up thread others have mentioned the same…

For me it’s crazy how DAS and other similar programs are viewed by both those who use it and those that don’t…it often feels like a “touchy subject” and IMO that’s just ridiculous.

Are there scammers? Probably but from my perspective I have no way to know. I have no idea what issues others have and how they manage them as I am to busy trying to manage my own.


I’ve found this discussion fascinating – I’ve learned quite a bit not just about individuals’ perspectives but it’s caused me to think about my own views, which are not fully developed since I don’t often have incidence to use DAS (I have a few family members who qualify, but not immediate family). I think I can summarize as follows:

  1. You can never see beyond the surface so it’s impossible to judge whether someone else “deserves” DAS or not, therefore it’s better to just focus on our own needs and enjoyment.
  2. Some people truly do need DAS and it’s great that DAS is available for them.
  3. There are probably some people who abuse DAS, and DAS is not designed for people who are simply impatient or selfish, but again, see #1. Enforcement and terms are up to Disney / CMs.
  4. There are probably some benefits to foregoing the use of programs like DAS even if we could use them (building patience, tolerance, etc.) but whether we are going with that philosophy or not is a personal decision, which may vary from time to time and should not cause shame one way or the other.
  5. It’s ok to respectfully share your thoughts, frustrations, and opinions, especially in the safe space that is this forum, because that’s how we learn. :rainbow::dizzy:

(How’s that for diplomacy? :kissing_heart:)


First time we used DAS, I told DW that I felt like we were abusing the system. She turned to me with her laser shootin’ eyes and said hell no we’re not we’ve been through the shit and still do every day. There is no guilt in using accommodations that are provided for people like us.

When I first saw this post it really triggered me. I’ve never liked that phrase because I’ve never identified with it. But the OP triggered me. I wanted to drop some F bombs. But I decided to ignore this post.

I don’t even know why I’m saying any of this but thought that I should at least say a few words.

We will continue to use DAS because otherwise our daily schedule at Disney would be too overwhelming in an already overwhelming system of planning. For clarity our son is on a very strict schedule of six intermittent catheterizations and a one hour bowel management process each day. Something that nobody around him knows about except for those that are told, because we manage it so well. His friends that we just went camping with don’t even know because we are so discreet.

That is all I will say




I used DAS on my last trip because I really needed it. I can’t ride many things due to vertigo, anyway, but for the things I wanted to ride, it was a blessing. It made going to WDW doable.


You’re such a Liner :slight_smile:


I have found that this makes life in general much more peaceful


That’s similar to what I felt. I still have to ignore the title because it’s so mean-spirited however, I’m glad that many of us have turned this thread into a useful place with information to be shared. What the OP doesn’t and will never understand is that no one who truly needs DAS wants to need DAS.

Hugs :people_hugging: to you and your family.




@mathhound -

I have a question about DLR…if you don’t mind I am going to message you as it is not directly related to the DAS but more mobility related…

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I found this interesting as I also have 3 adult children and a 22 year old DS with autism. I also was an early education teacher specializing with children on the autism spectrum. I also read Ross Green’s book, “The explosive child” and went to one of his workshops. The premise of his work is that “children do well if they can”. We really appreciated the supports Disney provided when our son was 5-10 years old. Travelling from Canada and all the changes were enough. Waiting in the heat on top of everything else would have been too much for our little boy. We also used touring plans and made a very strategic plan to ensure the few family trips we were able to take to Disney were magical and not stressful. Over the years, our son has matured, learned how to cope and can wait in lines as an adult. He graduated with a degree in Computer science this year and we went to Disney World in May. We did Genie+ and waited when needed. I was so happy he could enjoy Disney without any supports but I am so thankful to Disney for providing support when he was young. It is sad that some people cheat the system but it’s great that families that need some accommodation can get the help they need for their kiddos.


YES! I preach this all the time to my DS and he just doesn’t do it, it’s so frustrating. I am trying to teach him to advocate for himself because Mom won’t be around all the time to do it for him. It’s also a part of his IEP which I am grateful for, doesn’t mean it’s helping yet…but we are working on it.


On the Mobility side, for the most part at WDW you just wait in regular line. There is the odd ride you go through alternate entrance. Like SM is LL, SE is exit. We try not to take advantage, my mom even tired to do the the SM walk, it was too much when combined with the exit, so any additional rides we used the LL entrance and used a wheelchair. (You get a wait time and come back at that time like DAS)

It’s been awhile since I experienced mobility options at DLR. I know my Dad had a scooter seen we went in 2016, I believe it was you got a return time then. Back in 2011 - my cousin with CP was with us and we called her the JillPass because it was bypass the line back in those days. (She is in a wheelchair and can’t walk) In a way though, it caused a lot of extra time due to the accommodations that had to be made to get her on the rides. (Which thankfully Disney is so awesome for being very accommodating)


As a momma of two neurodiverse kids and a fellow lurker, I thank you for your response! There are probably more folks like me who won’t reply but deeply appreciate your perspective in this discussion. Thank you💗


This is an incredibly allistic/neuro-typical take on this subject. No, really, it’s NOT always the job of folks who are outside the neurotypical space to “adjust and deal”. Additionally, Disney offers this service after plenty of research, deliberation and care on their part to determine eligibility criteria. You don’t get to judge who or why it’s used unless you become the person in charge of the program.

It is absolutely wonderful that your son has had a great outcome so far living under your rules and perceptions. It’s kind of arrogant to assume that’s entirely because of your parenting style. Some of it is that, certainly, and much more is that his particular level of need and the places where the autism created deficits makes him a capable student or employee in the field he’s chosen.

Your grand assumption that your child’s autism is like anyone else’s autism is really just starting the whole conversation off on the wrong foot. Some autistic people can easily wait without being overstimulated or sensory exhausted. Some folks without legs can walk on prosthetics. Some diabetics can eat plenty of cake. And then some can’t…that doesn’t mean they’re unrealistic. In fact, it means they’ve acknowledged their own reality.

This is why Disney does not ask you for a diagnosis. Disney doesn’t care if you’re Autistic or have a TBI or have brain cancer or have PTSD. Disney just wants to know how to best accommodate the need because it’s not 1 size fits all for any person who needs additional support.


Welcome, @leigh_779577 and well said

I hope you’ll stick around!


IMO - the OPs assumption are just problematic-

  1. DAS is being given out for those individuals on the spectrum - and those with ADHD-
    *We often travel with a family on the spectrum and my own kids are both ADHD we have never needed it for them but that’s our reality not everyone else’s - *
  2. That it’s given to “children”…
    after my “accident I am the DAS holder- I am well past 29th birthday and it honestly has nothings to do with patience- but physical necessity
  3. That all persons kids get it for the same reason-
    *it’s just not cognitive based needs only as others have pointed out it can and is issued for physical necessity it’s needs based and everyone’s are different *

I think this shirt sums it up best