How to update my Touring Plans for rain?

I have some tentative touring plans but it looks like significant rain for 2 of our 3 park days. And honestly I don’t know the parks well enough to know what’s indoors and what’s outdoors. It would be super helpful if the touring plans color coded for In/Out so we could adjust on the fly. I don’t suppose there’s any way to tell the Lines app that it’s raining and have it adjust my plans to send me to some indoor stuff?


Most attractions are indoors, so finding things to do when it rains isn’t a problem. It is mostly getting from one attraction to the other. Make sure you have ponchos or rain gear or plan to wait it out inside shops or attractions until the rain slows.

We are facing the same. We arrive tomorrow and right night four of our days look like rain.


It’s easy to Google and find articles like these two. One lists attractions that can close because of rain or lightning within a certain number of miles (6? 10?). The other one lists indoor attractions that rain does not bother. They are somewhat recent, but not totally current regarding things closed for refurbishment or permanently. There are several outdoor shows/parades that can be cancelled or modified with rain, not on those lists, such as the Indiana Jones Stunt Spectacular at HS. Boats to parks/resorts and the skyliner can also close due to lightning.


I have suggested in the past they include a key for indoors. It also might not rain all day - this is Florida.


Safe travels! You might be beating travelling during the worst of it. :pray:

@robynkoz_901753 this is a very good suggestion to search which rides close during rain and which are based mostly indoors. You could then puts notes in your TP, on each step. Day of when it looks like it might rain you can move those steps later into the plan (when the rain is expected to end). Then evaluate. Typically the rain doesn’t last all day… Typically. For me, Animal Kingdom is the hardest park to navigate in the rain. I would suggest planning that park for the day that looks like it has the least amount of daytime rain.

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