We already have our FPP made but want to personalize a plan using these along with adding other attractions. I don’t want the optimizer to make changes, just to evaluate or give suggestions for additional attractions around my FPP. When I add my FPP times I already have they are not adding to the plan.
You need to make sure you add the attraction to your plan just as you would add any other attraction that you are not using a FPP. Just adding the FPP times doesn’t add them to the plan if you don’t put them in the plan where the times that they would fall are. Evaluate after you do this, then rearrange if the FFP you added goes outside the time of it. I use the Evaluate most of the time, only Optimize when I first create a plan. I also print them to my computer so if anything should happen and I Optimize when I wanted to Evaluate, I can just go back in and put it back in the order I wanted. I do hope this helps
Thanks so much for the help! TP has been a great tool for us for a while now as a way to target crowds but we have been going for years and not needed to optimize our time so much after 30 plus trips since 1999, we don’t get into the parks real early or stay real late:grinning: But our son in law is going for the 1st time with us and our daughter really wants him to see as much as possible(not sure how much is possible with this 51 yr old body though). We will go in and give this a try!!
Glad that it will help you. My GF and myself are going there 12/17 - 12/27, I’ve been many times but never over Christmas and my GF has never been so I have been working hard on making this a very special vacation while letting her know that no matter how much planning we do, that there are things that could go wrong or we might need to change something but that the important thing is that we are at WDW together.
She doesn’t know that I have a very special proposal planned for her at Jiko the first night we are there.
That is awesome! Congratulations!!
And we love WDW at Christmas, it has been our constant since 1999. Be sure to see the Candlelight Processional, the gingerbread house at Grand Floridian, and the decorations at Wilderness Lodge. All of WDW is splendid, but when you throw Christmas into the mix, well, it takes on a whole new perspective. We will be there from 12/8-16 and can’t wait! Like I mentioned, taking our son in law for his 1st trip and I have been picking on him that I can’t wait to hear him scream like a little girl on Tower of Terror:joy: