How to handle another alpha planner

It definitely does. There are several I would share accommodations with and several I would not. I would be hesitant to share with someone and need my space from someone that would take over or with whom won’t compromise on plans. No hard feelings but it would be more comfortable to have some distance to keep the peace.


Thanks for all the feedback. I have decided to split the trip into two phases. By necessity, the first phase we are going to be united for four days, but the second phase will be more freeform and people will be more on their own to choose their resort, etc.

But we want to share childcare responsibilities, so connecting rooms are important to us.

I definitely agree that i am used to running the show and this is chafing me a bit, but so far her pushback has gotten us a marginally better room, so i appreciate her efforts.

Connecting has a door between them that opens
Adjoining is right next door.

Be sure you are clear which one you are asking for :slight_smile:

Yep - connecting is what we need for that part of the trip, and it’s what we got.

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Just to clarify, Disney does not guarantee connecting rooms, (except in very specific circumstances like too many kids for one room with only one adult) they are a request only. I point that out because you’ll have the best chance to get your connecting request if you don’t have any other requests, including being flexible on location, floor, and being willing to wait for connecting rooms to be ready will all help. But also to set your expectations. They can usually make it happen, but not always.