Also the splash pad (Casey’s Soak Station?) near Dumbo is great, if someone hasn’t mentioned that already.
We just got back late last night. While waiting for my husband and 7 and a half year old my 4 year old was playing in the Splash Play area. It’s not huge by any means, but my son came and played in it as well when he got done with Splash. He found a “friend” and was playing tag. I’m not sure how long it would capture his attention, but definitely an area to run around a little bit and explore.
Yeah we’re bummed about TSI being down this trip also. We missed it on our last trip (trip was cut short on the front end by Irma and back end by sickness), and were looking forward to it this time for my 5 and 3 year old to have some running around time.
Fort Wilderness was going to be my suggestion. Ferry ride away and you have lots to explore for as long as need be. Alternatively depending on whether you need the play time or you just a break, WL or Poly could be easy visits as well.
When my kids were younger, we used the splash pad, play ground by splash mountain and back walk way to get energy out. We also would play games like red light green light while walking if not too busy. We have also chosen off times to hide out in a dim indoor spot and have a snack and even brought cards. The magic sorcerer game is now enjoyed for downtime. There are also dance parties if you can take the crowds. My husband has been known to nap or carousel of progress and the people mover can be ridden more than once just for peace and quiet.
I also think taking the boat or monorail off site is a good idea. We have had a nice time just exploring the hotels. There is a walk way between poly and GF. They can play in the sand and have a dole whip at poly. If hot or raining there are lots of couches in the lobby. We have also gotten the hidden Mickey book and looked for those at resorts.
My DS7 loved the Dumbo area! He didn’t want to leave. I can’t remember if you have to the enter the queue (I think yes), but I know for sure you can enter just to play but not ride, at least when it’s not too crowded. I think I checked with CMs before entering.
There’s also grass at the Hub in front of the castle, good for tag maybe, if there’s no parade at that time of day.
My DS7 looked at the Splash play area-it was way too small. In fact I think I remember you enter “under” a log, and he just physically felt too big for the area. Not to mention how much bigger he was than the toddlers playing there, it didn’t feel safe for them to let him loose there.
I’m not sure what GF, WL/FW, Poly, or CR have in terms of playgrounds, but all the other resorts I’ve been to have good ol’ fashioned fenced in playgrounds. Those at the close resorts would work great for your purposes, assuming the travel too and fro works ok timing-wise. And the boats are a great way to get to those resorts!
The Robinson Swiss TreeHouse is prettt good for running around, burning energy and no being timed.
That’s already on our list, precisely because it’s a gross motor skill activity. (But shhh!!! I kind of don’t want to admit it, for fear that it will also go under refurb for the first week of November…)
TSI down? Darn it! (… goes to revamp MK TP again…)
If TSI is closed, will the Liberty Square Riverboat also be down? I thought it was just about to come back into service in time for our upcoming trip.
According to Walt Disney World Refurbishments, Riverboat is closed through Dec 21.
As much as I enjoy planning, I’m getting tired of redoing these damn touring plans. My FP+ were carefully chosen to minimize both waits and walking; every time they close something, it’s that much harder to re-plan.
I understand that running an operation like WDW is a huge, complex mess, but if they’re going to ask us to make ADRs 180 days in advance, and FP+ 60 days in advance, and hotel reservations months in advance, I wish they’d stop screwing around with attraction availability when I’m three weeks out from park arrival.
If it’s reasonable to expect me to decide where I’m going to eat half a year from now, why is it unreasonable to expect them to plan their maintenance with similar deliberation? Hell, I give my wife more notice about when I expect to get a haricut then they’ve given me about some of these closures.
I echo the tree house as a great place to burn energy. Also, you might consider the People Mover as a way to get away from the crowds for a bit. My kiddo with ADHD/ASD absolutely loves it and I find that he is calmer after we ride that ride. In general, things seem to be less congested at the back of Fantasyland near the splash area, as well as in Tomorrowland. These areas allow for more running around. Another strategy we used is finding a less crowded place to watch fireworks. My kid gets so into the music and often likes to do his own interpretive dance (totally not on purpose…he just turns into Billy Elliot during the fireworks). The dancing wears him out as well. And, speaking of dancing, if they are having a dance party somewhere you could always wear him out be participating in that.
It was just refurbished a couple years ago (while we were there!), so I think you’ll be safe on that one!
I think you are correct about that. And, to be fair, they do give a lot of lead time on many things. For others, like this, perhaps they don’t see it as a “draw” attraction enough to give as much lead. (People won’t change their plans about whether to come to Disney or not based on whether Tom Sawyer’s Island is undergoing refurbishment, for example.)
This is where seasonal amusement parks have that over Disney…they can do all their refurbishment work when no one is there to care! Disney is open 365 days a year, so they don’t have that luxury.
But, alas…we must always remember that every time Disney decides to do something, it is never in the best interest of the guests, but in the best interest of their bottom line. USUALLY those come to the same end, but lately it seems less and less so.
FW has a good playground, right down by the boat docks, with swings, slides and a climbing frame. The area is nice and quiet, so it’s a good place to recharge away from the crowds. If your kids like animals you could also walk up to the stables (3 minute walk) to see the horses and ponies. There may be an opportunity to say hi to/stroke one of the horses if one is being groomed when you’re there. The pony rides are also very popular with our DD. Max weight is 80 pounds. Anyway, just a few ideas.
We are in the exact same boat. Going late November and TSI was a big part of our plans!! We have 6 children. My parents are also coming along. Tom Sawyer Island is our place to cool down and rest for an hour or two at Magic Kingdom. We usually get there at 11 a.m., bring a picnic lunch and let the kids explore while the adults sit and rest. With limited days in the parks and a big family, it’s a logistical nightmare to leave the park half way through the day and come back again later.
So far, the best alternative I have found is a spot in Fantasyland near the train station. There is a huge quiet area with shaded tables and chairs that are never full. Close to that is a fountain area for the kids to run around in. And the quiet, wooded path to Space Mountain right there as well. We plan to picnic at the tables and then let the kids run in the water / explore the quiet pathway. Then planning to take the train from there to Frontierland, which will give more rest time and save our feet and nerves from having to wrestle through the busy crowds to get to the other end of the park.
Hope that helps your planning!
Thanks for the suggestions. I’m now planning on starting in Tomorrowland, then taking the back path to Barnstormer and visiting the splash pad for a bit before moving to Frontierland later in the afternoon. I might allocate a little extra time at the Treehouse too.
Nothing quite replaces a whole island fort to explore but sprinkling those shorter unstructured breaks through the day will probably be sufficient. I’m very much hoping this is a case where I over-stress and over-plan, and he ends up being just fine. Wouldn’t be the first time!