How evening EMH affect morning crowds at MK

Hi, in your opinion how do EVENING Extra Magic Hours affect MORNING/midday crowds at Magic Kingdom on a Crowd level 8 day? We are staying off property and will leave the parks by dinnertime, most likely. We will be there before rope drop in the morning. Thanks for any advice you can offer.

RD may be slightly more crowded (as if a CL 8 day isn’t crowded by definition), but I don’t think it will have a huge impact on AM touring. I would expect the crowds to continue to build through the afternoon, with an influx right about the time you are planning on leaving. At least this has been my (somewhat limited) experience; on days when MK has PM EMH, I usually go to a different park during the day, and hop to MK after dinner for evening touring.

One thing to bear in mind is that the CL prediction takes into account EMH, so a CL8 on an EMH day should be pretty much the same as a non-EMH day

Great question. Here’s a follow up: Does evening EMH affect morning crowds the next day?

Thanks for the info! Much appreciated.