How do I square crowd level 10 vs small touring plan waits?

I am trying to figure out how there will be a crowd levels of 9 and 10 for my upcoming trip next week but the touring plan wait times for my April 31st plan at MK never exceed 25 minutes.

Can anyone help me? I want to have realistic expectations for the trip and the plan.


It’s probably just a matter of optimizing or evaluating once a week or so as your trip dates get closer. I find that the times update and change as you get closer to your trip. It’s a bit frustrating to see things change, but better to know!

If most of your attractions are scheduled for the morning, with fast-loaders and shows in the later daytime hours, then it’s very possible that everything is already accurate. LOTS of clueless people wait to show up until after 10 or 11 am during the busy season.

Have a great trip!

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I’m thinking that @SallyEppcot has the right answer. However - if I saw things like SM or Splash with a 25 min wait mid-afternoon on a 9 or 10 day, I might get a bit suspicious…

April the 31st??? Do you mean March ??. revaluate or optimise as close to your trip as possible will make it more reliable. Look at current wait times to get an idea of what its like this week. Also I build in extra 15 minute breaks every 2 hours that we might not use but lets us catch up if needed. Queues are quickest first 2 hours and longest between 12-4 . MK on a 10 is not nice after 12.30 /1 and we always leave then as it is so crowded you can’t see the ground when walking.
If you want to make your plan public and post the link Im sure a few friendly liners will look at it for you and give you some feedback.

so My date is March 31st, 8 days from now. I am considering whether I should use a VIP guide. I have optimized several times but I still see no longer than a 25 minute wait for any ride and am wondering if it is too good to be true.

Is TP really that good and accurate?

Generally, I have found the TP times to be pretty accurate. However, things were WAY off on my last trip - but that may have just been an anamoly (everything about that week was strange; much higher crowds than predicted, longer waits, etc). But that being said, using RD and FPPs, I was still able to do almost every ride in all 4 parks that I wanted to do…