I’ve heard of people practicing making their FPP- but I can’t seem to find this on MDE. So does anyone know how this works? Also, can I make FPP close together like at 1:00, 2:00, and 3:00? Thanks to all for any info!
You must have valid tickets linked, go in and make FPP for within the next 30 days.
Note these are REAL- so be sure to cancel them once you make them. I had this work with my MVMCP tix. Not with my package tickets though.
Yes, you can space them one hour apart, as long as you can get the next attraction available for that next hour.
I was planning while in park to move 2nd, then 3rd fpp up to earlier once I’d used the first, by doing that on the Iphone. but changed my mind re that once we were there. didnt need to do that, easier to just work plan as originally set up - worked fabulously, love that ptp.
@Mrs_Beast - I have both tix via package & MVMCP tix. They are linked to my account on MDE. When my 60 days comes up, will MDE know that I’m making the FPP w/ my package tix? Thx!
@KelBoo I could be wrong… But I don’t think it’ll matter. It’s all linked into your MDE. You just have to have enough valid park admissions/days of some form. I know I saw someone post who wasn’t using a regular park day on a party night but did book FPP that day. We’ll have to watch for reports now that the Halloween parties are beginning…