How do I get Fantasmic dining reservation?

I am well out from 180 day mark but I have been going on and trying to find dining reservation just to be familiar with the system. I have only been going as far as seeing the times available. On one occasion I saw fantasmic dining listed as an option, since then I have not seen it as an option to pick. Am I looking in the wrong place?

I ended up making my reservation for fantasmic dining over the phone at 180 days due to some website issues this time. Anyhow, online should work the same though: select “Fantasmic Dinner Package” under all dining, select “find table”, select which restaurant, date, time and # in party, all available times should should show up. Hope it works for you.

I booked the Fantasmic dining package for our upcoming trip just the way zarina 101 described and it worked for me. Maybe it’s not working for you because you’re outside of your 180 day window or maybe there was just a glitch the day you were trying? Keep trying & I’m sure it’ll work out. Good luck!

I meant I booked it the way it was described for online bookings - I didn’t book over the phone.

I bookd it for a friend on Friday. I searched for Fastasmic Dining under all dining and booked it online as described above. This was about 100 days out.

Sometimes it does not show up at 180 days. At any rate, if it does not show up call WDW Dining and see if they can book it for you.

Worked for me online as well. I added it to my wishlist items on MDE so I could go back and search quickly for just that one.

Thanks all ! I have been trying to add everything to our wish list. This will be the first trip for my DH and I in 18 yrs and we will be taking our 4 yr old DD. At least I am a planner


If you couldn’t get it 180 days out, try to book it.