Hollywood Studio July 22 Crowd question

Can anybody tell me why on earth the crowd calendars for Hollywood studios on Wednesday, July 22 says a level 10? That’s the highest it will be all summer and of course I have fantastic dinner reservations scheduled that day. What is going on here should I reschedule?I was planning on going to Magic Kingdom on July 21. Should I switch my dates?

Specific questions about CL predictions are best sent to webmaster@touringplans.com - they usually respond quickly to any queries.

That being said, given your ADR I would stick with going to HS. The TouringPlans gurus have figured out that having a good TP is 5 times more important that going to the “right” park on any given day. Make an optimized personalized TP, be at the park for RD, and you should be fine.

Remember crowd levels are NOT people in park but wait times for rides between 10-5. HS has very few rides these days so wait times for standby will be high between peak hours.