I’m not understanding the " Hierarchy " of the new forum badges and access. I think it’s very cliche… Am I missing something. ?
I don’t see how these levels and badges are any different from the levels and badges that are on the Lines app. Am I over simplifying it?
Thanks for coming over, @NannyLisaD!
Badges are earned, for various things you do on the forums. For example, you get a badge the first time you “like” a post, the first time you “share” a post, and so on. They’re a way to reward virtuous, community-building activity.
As for forum access, almost all of them are open to everyone. There are 2 forums, I think, that we’re testing by giving access to folks who have 500 and 2,000 chats (I could be wrong on the numbers). The idea there is to reward the people who spend the most time on the forums, sort of like frequent flyer lounge access at airports.
Some folks don’t like the idea of restricting forum access by activity, assuming everyone’s a subscriber. I don’t have a preference one way or the other, and I think the Lines community can work out a decision that’s acceptable to everyone. There’s probably already a thread on it, and your voice would be welcomed there.
Again, thanks for joining the forums!
Hi Len,
I have over 500 chats – is there something I need to do to get into a forum? I don’t see anything on my screens.
Also, will my chats transfer to thing I am putting here? In other words, am I starting over to get to 2000?
Thanks for the response, however with current soft wear issues and testing in process. It’s “unfair” don’t you think. It creates an environment of exclusion for someone with the tendency to listen and learn I can’t have access to the “Lounge” because I’m not posting all the time?.
Sorry I’m all for the updating the format, however I’m not ok with activity that excludes people who ALL pay the subscribe fee, this limiting the " community " forum. So I guess there will be different fees
PS I have over 2000 chats… But who cares it’s still unfair
I can see both sides, and I don’t have a preference. As a group, you’re all best able to reach an agreement. It wouldn’t work if I picked one option or the other for everyone. (I mean, there are lots of places where I have to do just that, but this isn’t one of them.)
Could some one please explain the reasons for excluding “chat” uses from a part of the “forum” because I don’t understand “the other side”.
Ok thanks :0) I know you have gotten a beating this week…
The levels and badges here grant you certain access and abilities. Do they do that in the Lines chat? (I’m on the newer side)
No not at all we were all on the same " mythical " playing field. You learned very quickly who was most accurate and the ones who just like to hit the reply bottom. I had go to people who ALWAYs were right on target. I think it will become that way again
I have never been an online chat person before and I liked and stayed on Lines. I think that level field attracted me.
Yes. But you will learn quick ;0). I think thus will be easier to find stuff if your looking as a new person. People are very very helpful and general kind.