Help spare my poor feet!

I think I’m going to have to find some of these to try on… Do they ever go on sale?

I love my Skechers sandals. I bought them last year when I got sick of wearing socks with my special made shoes. I wear them even in the winter. Great support and really help my chronic callouses.

I got some ABEO sandals that have the orthotics in them. OMG, they are awesome. Soft and perfect right from the first wearing.

No, no, no, no, no. The first rule if running is to never, ever run a race in a new pair of shoes without having broken them in first. Treat WDW like a race and your feet will thank you.

If you haven’t already, see a podiatrist and get a proper diagnosis. DW has suffered from PF, but only got relief after getting custom orthotics and a specific stretching regime to work on the Achilles tendon.

I have had plantars fasciitis and I went to my doctor and got a prescription for inserts for my shoes (including my dress shoes for work) and it cleared right up. I still use the inserts and have not had another issue with it.

Someone in another thread recommended Brooks Ghost as they have a wider to box, and a good balance of arch support without being too rigid. I went out and tried on and bought today for my WDW trip starting the 29th. 1st runer up was a brand called Ryka, my left foot was ready to live in it forever, sadly the arch did not hit correctly in my slightly larger right foot. (Bad knees and issues with Planter faciatis, high arches)

I have Finn Comfort sandals, which I wore for two weeks in Italy, and was able to out-walk all of my friends on the trip, even though I have rheumatoid arthritis and they don’t!

They’re expensive but have removable footbeds so you can replace the footbeds when they wear out, so basically they’ll last a very, very long time. Also, the footbeds come in different types. My arches are high and these work well for me. They can usually be found on sale at Happy Feet.

I also think some of the varieties look pretty good for occasions like Signature Dining, they’re not the height of fashion by any means but look a lot nicer than most comfort sandals. I have the Catalina, which has the Soft Footbed;

I don’t have any SAS sandals, but I’ve been wearing SAS work shoes for years. They are the most expensive shoes I’ve ever gotten, but after lying in bed unable to sleep because my feet hurt, I had to try them, and I’ve never looked back. They are like walking on clouds from day 1. My work shoes last about a year-year and a half, but that’s standing/walking on concrete tile for 90% of my work day. Other shoes (good quality, like Clarks) had to be replaced about every 3-6 months.

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I love Brooks Ghost - found them a few years ago and they made a huge difference. Now I have two pair that I take and alternate.

With shoes, you really do get what you pay for. One of my aforementioned friends had Clarks, which she loved under normal circumstances. But the cobblestone streets in Rome aren’t normal, and neither is the 10 miles a day average that is walked by a guest at WDW! It really is extreme and what are comfortable shoes at home just may not perform well there, just like they don’t perform well with your job.

Unless one is athletic, the walking at WDW is going to be more than anything most people do all year, and the shoes should reflect that.

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My first pair of clarks were flip flops, though much thicker than most, that I wore backpacking Europe for 5 weeks. I remember the day we went to the Parthenon my Greek friend insisted that I should wear sneakers, so I did, and it was the only day I blistered. I was also 25, don’t think I could do it in those now.