Help needed with food

Mine don’t look as pretty


But how do they taste! I would love to try one, personally!

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I think they’re really good. They are, however, very spicy because our jalapenos are very hot. My wife tried one and then chugged milk from the carton. My son just didn’t like the taste. He’s a little picky about some foods these days.

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Sounds wonderful! I like spicy!

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Yes this. We always buy a bunch (like a bushel) when making salsa, then core/seed them and chop in a food processor as it is way easier for that volume than by hand. We freeze the chopped leftovers and they always stay fine in an air tight container. I suppose you could freeze them in an ice cube tray and then stick those in a bag for even easier portioning for recipes throughout the year.

Sweet corn is in season too @heidelj. How about some skillet street corn- cut kernels off cob and sauté with chopped jalapeños, garlic, and seasoning salt, and when done finish with a little mayo and cotija cheese??

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Great. Now I’m craving elote from DLR! Maybe we should try making that at home …


Sounds good, I’ll have to try it. We’re not doing any corn this year, but have tons in the freezer from last year.

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But are they glorious? Would you eat them again?

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Well, yes, but I’ll always eat more! :smiley:

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