Happy Turkey Lurkey Day

Many of you will have seen this before. Many times. But not enough times.

And please don’t tell me this is a Christmas video. I know it is. Thanksgiving kicks off the Christmas season.


Here’s another Happy Thanksgiving tune!


I haven’t seen it yet, I don’t think. Waiting till I can watch on phone. No speakers on work computer :woman_shrugging:


Love the dancing, but that song… it’s going to repeat in my brain for a looong time I think.

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I don’t give two forks about the song. It’s so tuneless, I can barely reproduce it from memory, forget about getting earwormed by it. But that dancing is fucking fantastic. If I could have any otherworldly talent, it would be that.

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They definitely danced their hearts out.

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I just learned about this which is apparently wicked old

And then I heard this in target this morning and have been torturing my family by singing it ever since I got back.


Love this! :rofl:

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