Good news/bad news Skyliner

I’ll have a conversation once you get me started, but in general I’m not much of an initiator.

That’s probably more a me thing than a Long Island thing, though. My wife her brother know and talk to everyone on the planet.

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Whatever works for you, chief.

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Not so much. There’s room for both. Many people I met in these forums have become people with whom I’ve made deep and lasting friendships in the Meat World. Not sure how that isn’t “real life.”

Anyone I know?

(sips covfefe nonchalantly)


Yup, this is me too. We took the water taxies a lot on our recent USO trip. Several times as boarding there was confusion about how many was in our group because I was having a nice conversation with someone nearby and the groups had merged.

I used to work for a German company. One of my co-workers there asked if Americans are really that friendly. My first thought was, well, not everywhere. But asked what he meant and he was thinking it was fake. I think, though, that people that are used to being a friendly area can spot a fake right away.


@OBNurseNH wants that slip n slide guy to put a shirt on ASAP.


No can do. The Beard™ demands room. And you always respect the Beard™

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See this is how well I am known.

I cannot see the image. It must be blocked to protect my eyes

(ok maybe it’s a firewall thing here at work)


Beards are gross. I have no respect for beards. Things live in those things.



Definitely a firewall on your end. I uninstalled the “@OBNurseNH” filter a while ago.

(and that’s totally sad. Cause it’s a rockin’ image… well, a slidin’ image anyway).

Beards are like science. They don’t care about your feelings


I have just reviewed on my phone.

Many points for slip and slide and positioning as he slides through the frame
Multiple demerits, however, for all the rest of it.


someone’s jelly…

Okay…that’s gotta be one of the funniest things I’ve seen in days. In spite of @OBNurseNH’s obvious protestations, that’s a good one!

giv’it a heart. C’mon, you know you want to…:rofl:


My husband started out with a totally respectable Van Dyke (short goatee with a mustache) a few years ago that has totally morphed into this ridiculous ZZ Top meets Duck Dynasty thing and I hate it. It doesn’t help that he also decided that the time to grow his hair long was in his 40’s when it started thinning, lol. I’m hoping it’s just a mid life crisis thing that goes away soon.

I will say that he shampoos it in the shower every day, so it’s at least not as gross as it could be. The discovery that most men don’t wash their beards was really nasty. :face_vomiting:


Thank you for being the one who finally used the correct name.

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My beard is back, by request. But it doesn’t get much longer than this.

I’m a high school teacher, so I will usually strike up a conversation with kids in these types of situations. The parents sometimes join the conversation, but not always. DW swears it doesn’t matter where we go, I will see someone I know. We’ve been in Times Square, on a cruise (in one of the bars no less), at WDW, and I’ve run into people I know/have taught/from my school. It’s funny at this point, but even with that being said IDK if I would be ok with being crammed into such a small space with randoms.