Gifting a TP membership

Is there a way to gift a Touring Plans membership? I want to gift one to each family going on our family trip in 2021, but I don’t see an option for this.


I have done it a few times. On the website it states:

To search for further information and to contact us by “submitting a request,” visit our Help site (the “Submit a request” link is in the upper-right on that site). We welcome feedback, questions or comments about our book and website.

I think I have always just emailed

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Thank you! I really appreciate the info. If I don’t gift my family the memberships, I KNOW they won’t get one themselves and they will be miserable on our trip while my husband and I get a million more things done.

I just used my son’s email address and created an account. Put in whatever information was needed and paid with my credit card. When I was done I just send him the password. He and his wife are planning a DLR trip in June.