Getaway ticket question

I used the ticket calculator through touring plans and when I tried to buy tickets it wouldn’t let me put them in my cart. I went to the website directly and was able to do it there for the same price. They require a name for each one of them. My concern is that if the unforeseen happens and someone can’t go we won’t be able to use it for someone else later. Has anyone run into this? Can names be changed on unused tickets?

Hmm, I’ve never seen that before! Is kind of odd to be honest.

In my experience, after you link tickets to a profile in MDE you can always reassign them so I am not sure why they require individual names. They are definitely a legit reseller, might be worth chatting with them to ask?

But, FWIW If you jump over to Undercover Tourist, they’ll usually be within a few dollars either way of any other reseller. Rare that any of them stray too much from the lowest price these days.

Or you could look into convention tickets for more savings - here’s my analysis from last year:

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