
Quite possibly. Last count, I’d been to at least 34 of the states. But my travels extend almost exclusively to the United States. But if I use the term “America”, then my travels extend exclusively to America, since Canada is in the Americas.


I notice your map does NOT have a dot in my home state of Michigan. Clearly, you have been avoiding me.

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Yes. I can confirm this. And am happy to do so.

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Its possibly why Sweden has never been successfully invaded.

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Nah, that’ll be the surstromming… :rofl:

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I´m northern, I´ve been eating chips and gravy for years. I moved down south and visited every chip shop within a 10 mile radius looking for it and they all looked at me like I had 2 heads. Now adding cheese curds is another thing.

You didn’t go far enough south, it’s been an after-club staple in the Channel Islands for at least 20 years! :joy:

They won´t let me in I don´t earn enough :rofl::rofl:

Tuxedos are sometimes called “penguin suits” because they are black and white. The term has also been applied to old-school nuns’ habits…

Nope it’s thanks to ABBA

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Returning to a previous topic, I post this in honor of @sanstitre_has_left_the_building

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When we were there in March I am pretty sure there was fencing up on the beach as a precaution. Before the horrific event with the little boy I would let my kids run along the beach at night at Ft. Wilderness. Now I only allow them on the beach during the day. That being said, it is nice to watch the fireworks and light parade on the boat ride back to our cabin from MK. Always a nice was to end the evening.

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Well my father in law (now deceased) told me the story on how Norwegians came to American and on the way over the cod they had started to stink. Therefore they soaked in lye that they used to clean the ships decks. Seem to preserve the Cod so they cooked it and ate it. Now my father in law was 100% Norwegian so I figured he should know as he spoke the language quick well. On the other hand my wife is half Norwegian and hates the stuff. :thinking:

Nice! They have a classy Mac&Cheese festival in Traverse City, MI every year where local restaurant chef’s make gourmet versions of mac&cheese and it is paired with wines at the local wineries.

Yes they put fences up after the tragedy.

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Gators can climb a 6 foot fence those little things they have by the beach won’t stop them just slow them down so you can RUN.

Of course us Southerners looked at you with two heads…chips and gravy are an aberration! :joy::wink:

Bit like the way we all look at you with your coats on in the cold.:kissing_heart:

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Nice comeback!!

@AllmadhereUK you are so wrong. Chips and gravy is delicious comfort food.

You may have heard of that big ball of brightness and warmth in the sky…it’s called the Sun :sunny: :grin: