10/8 – MK. CL 6. The CL was originally slated for 8, but kept changing until it was 5, and raised by one the day before our trip. I kept thinking 8 was high and almost changed the plan, but ultimately decided not to. This is Columbus Day and will be our longest day. We are focusing on Adventureland, Liberty Square, and Frontierland with a brief jaunt into Fantasyland for PP.
We are planning on skipping POC and HM in these areas because we want to do them during the party because this is also MNSSHP day! I didn’t want to spend the money at first, but several friends mentioned how great that would be and now I’m SO excited! I’m looking forward to dressing up, seeing all the little kids dressed up, and the parade! We might also get some additional rides completed since Magic Kingdom closes at 6 p.m. on both of our planned days. We didn’t plan any others because we want to enjoy the party and do what we’re feeling. Our FPP are PPF, Splash and BTMR. Magic Kingdom Guide - Day 1
I ended up creating separate plans for pre-party and post. It was just easier for me to plan it that way. I struggled at first deciding between staying the whole time and carrying our costumes or going back to the hotel. I ultimately decided to err on the side of rest and caution, so we have a gap between plans and a couple things we could cut if we wanted more time in between. It was so HARD to plan to leave
the park and come back, but like Elsa, I let it go.
We’ve only planned HM, and POC, for rides during MNSSHP. We were going to try Pirates Adventure at 6, but it’s not open after 6, so I moved it to the day portion. That’s kind of a bummer. I was hoping it would get us in the mood for POC. During the party we should still have time for treats, parades and fireworks! I tweaked the plan a bit, so we can shop for Halloween-specific merch and peoplewatch more during the party. Halloween is my husbands favorite holiday and we can’t wait!
I have noted on our plans all of the rides that will be open and the snacks we particularly want to remember to try. I was looking forward to trying those tarts from last year, but they’re gone now. We’re also interested in the photos near the haunted mansion that change into scary skeletons and the Ooogie Boogie Popcorn Bucket.