Funny Tiki Story

My 6 year old niece in the Enchanted Tiki Room-“is there a fastpass out of here?!”


That’s hilarious!

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Too funny!!! :joy:

Good one kid! :laughing:

unacceptable. You need to learn that kid better. :slight_smile:


No but there is another pass, one where we come in over and over and over to watch it. (just kidding) We love it but for some, they don’t. Same as CBJ

Tiki Room will always make me think of my Grandaddy. He went with us to WDW one year on Spring Break and made us go. We all rolled our eyes…but we all still make a point to go in when we are there. It’s a way to feel connected to him now that he is no longer physically with us.


Aw that’s lovely.


My 12 year old just said, “EXACTLY” lol

That doesn’t bode well for thr future of the Tiki Room. I remember enjoying it as a kid in the early 80s but I can’t remember why I enjoyed it.

I like the show. It is corny but it is fun. And Walt had a hand in it.

Also did not hurr that i found money once on the way out. :smiley: