The kids know about our upcoming November trip and are very excited, but we decided to keep April a suprise. They think they will just be hanging out all week at home with me for April vacation. I am not creative at all. I’d love to hear how other people have suprised their kids. I think they would be ok with finding out that morning too.
I’m still working out the details, but I think we are going to wake our 2 up the morning we leave and tell them it is time to get up for school. When they come downstairs to eat breakfast, I’m going to have mickey pancakes and all of our suitcases by the door ready to go. We’ll see how long it takes them to realize it. I’m still looking for some other suggestions too though. I can’t wait!
My kids (5 and 8 at the time) loved the scavenger hunt I set up for them around the house. I had clues in a few different places, they ran around like a couple of crazies they were so excited. We have always told them in advance, but I love hearing about the day-of surprises too! Maybe since it’s Spring Break you could ask them that morning what they feel like doing today, then casually say “nah, how about going to Disney World instead?”