Good morning all. I’m at a mere 51 days to being back. How close are you? Or how far?
Good morning @Steve1. I’m at 73 days. I think that’s close and far at the same time.
Good morning @steve1 and @sallye. TGIF. No official count but have sights set for early December 2015. Have a good day.
Good morning @Steve1, @SallyEppcot, and @gabmom! I am in single digit Fridays until our trip- 9 more Fridays or 63 days! Hope you all have a great day!!
Hi @Steve1, @SallyEppcot, @gabmom, @jlyn. 165 so pretty far away yet. Got all excited when I was close to ADR day at 180, and got ridiculously excited about making the ADRs, but feel quite calm about it all now. The excitement will come back soon I suppose!
Morning all. In my dreams 595 and only if dh gets a job. On the good side of this, when he gets a job we could go right away! Every thing, with the exception of the mortgage will be paid off.
Good morning everyone! Epcot this morning!
Good morning @Steve1 and everyone. Nice and muggy here in Davenport Iowa.
Good morning, all. Only 2 more days. Leaving early on Sunday morning after DD performs in Beauty and the Beast tonight and tomorrow night. (This is my first time posting on @Steve1’s thread on the forum. Very cool to be back)
Good morning everyone! 137 days until POP.
20 days to WLV. 31 days to YC.
Pretty hot & muggy here in Davenport, FL too!
Seven, seven, lucky seven!! Just a three- night long weekend, but our first time at CBR! The kids are so excited about the pool – hopefully it won’t be too stormy and we’ll get some good pool time.
I asked DS2.9 what he wants to do at WDW, not sure if he’d remember our trips in Feb and May, but he did and he immediately said “ride the train!!”
Good morning! Good morning! …I can hear the song already. Only 2 days! Less than 48 hours! One work day. I am almost packed. This is going to be awesome!! When is it socially acceptable to start wearing my magic band?
Ha ha, our semester just started and on the first day of class I played that song for my 9:30 class – might as well let them know their prof is totally crazy right at the beginning!
Good morning @Steve1. Good morning Linahville! Happy Friday!! 22 days for me!!
Happy Friday! I am at 408. I wish it were closer, but at least I have a date set! And it’s a payday, which means I can give the Walt Disney Travel Company a very small payment towards this adventure. Woo!
Good morning!!! One week from today we check into the CR for our 20th Anniversary/Happy Healthy Re-do trip for DS12! Today is the first day of school for our son and I keep reminding him Disney is in sight!