On our upcoming trip, we will be arriving at MCO 1/24/15 at around 1:00 P.M - thinking we’ll make it to MK after a nice dinner at our resort since it is open until 1:00 A.M. that day. I will be allowed to make FPP reservations for an arrival day, right? Just trying to plan for my 60 day mark which is coming up soon, and thought maybe I’d schedule a couple FP for that first evening. For some reason, I thought I read someone’s post that they couldn’t make them until the day AFTER they checked in? I’ve read so many things I can’t keep things straight sometimes
Hi There @malinMN, welcome to the forums. You can definitely make FPP for your arrival date. The only thing that requires check in prior to use is the Disney Dining plans.
Thank you for the welcome, and for the answer!
@Outer1 is right. The only limit for making FP in advance will be the number of days on your park tickets. MDE will let you schedule 3 per day on any day, but only for the number of days for which you’ve purchased tickets. They don’t even have to be sequential days. It’s not really linked to the number of nights you are staying. For example, if you were staying on-site 2 nights and staying at Universal 2 nights and had 4 days of WDW park tickets, you could schedule your FPs for any 4 days that worked for you.
Yea sorry I should have specified. I think it’s limited to a total 14 day window starting on your check in date.
Hush. No need to say sorry when being helpful. We make a good team, as always @Outer1.
Just one note about hard to get FastPasses, they are sometimes easier to find later in your stay than on the arrival day (since more people arriving earlier in the week and staying on property will have already had the chance to book those). So, if you’re looking for Anna & Elsa or 7DMT, then don’t count on being able to get those for your arrival day. Everything else should be available almost any time you want it.
Thank you for the note - we will be at MK later that week again so I’ll try to get A&E and 7DMT further into our stay – it looks like I should start with that and work my way backwards. Arrival day I thought I’d see what was still available; do you think Peter Pan would be still available for an evening FPP? I was thinking maybe PP and Tomorrowland Speedway that night. When I do my FPP scheduling, does it work best to take whatever time is available and then change the time later? Do they show you ALL available times and you pick from them all, or does it just give you first available time-wise that day and then you go back and change the time? I’ve never done it before and haven’t seen how the screens look for booking.
Peter Pan should definitely be available. My trip is just over two weeks away and I just looked and found tons of FP times still available for it. As for the speedway it never has terribly long lines. Depends on your tolerance for waiting in line. Here’s the projected waits for the night in question.
When you book them you’ll have to select 3 options, otherwise it will randomly assign one to you. Then it gives you four options to choose from on tabs A, B, C, D… Each of those tabs will give you pre selected times. Usually grouped together so early, mid day, evening, and night or similar and you’ll have to pick one of those options. Once you’ve picked though you can then customize the time on each attraction of any times that are available for that day. I did some screenshots in a previous post i’ll try to find it. Paging @LoveBug53 do you happen to recall when that was?
If you don’t have a 3rd attraction in mind you might want to see if there is a FP for MSEP or Wishes as it provides a little extra room.
Here you go… this should show you the screenshots and how to book the FPP.
Oh my, thank you very, very much. So I pick the three I would like, and they assign times which I can then modify. I totally thought I picked one, got the time, then went on to pick a second, and so forth. This is golden. Thank you for the screen shots, they are very helpful! I get what you mean about the TS FPP, too. Also had no idea I HAD to pick three - afterward, can I just cancel any I might not really need? Great idea about Wishes, though…hmmm…never thought about that…looks like I’ll be back to my personalized plans now with this new info!
You can cancel them if you don’t need them but honestly I would just plan on three and if you don’t use one it’s no big loss. Plus if you have MDE on your phone you can always pick something new that day, from what is still available, if you decide you want to do something else. If you actually cancel it you can’t pick a new one until after you use the other two.
I only brought up wishes because most people are tired and maybe a little cranky on the travel day so having a little more room and little less stress might help.
I’m so sorry I missed my page @Outer1 - I was making 2 loaves of sandwiches for DS17 to take to curling tonight! (There is a sentence you don’t hear everyday!) Except here.
Thanks for finding and posting this for @malinMN. It was such a great help to me and I know they will appreciate it! I was so worried about the selection process but it really was fairly straight forward and went smooth. Best of luck @malinMN!
Thank you! I feel much more prepared!
One more question for you all; will I be OK trying to get all 5 of us our FPP reservations together, or would I have better luck splitting us up into groups of 2 and 3 for things like A&E and 7DMT and trying to get them to overlap?
If you are making then at midnight on your sixty day window you should be ok trying for all five together.
I definitely will be making them at midnight, so I’ll give it a go with us all together. Thank you!
Just wanted to let you all know FPP reservations went great last night! Well, it started out a little crazy with a bit of a glitch when I signed in at 12:00 Eastern time – it was still locked and said "You will be able to make FPP reservations starting January 24, 2015 (which is the day we check in - freaked out a bit there) but thanks to Liners Chat, I soon found everyone was getting a weird message. Opened up an hour later and I was able to get everything I wanted for my family of 5. Thank you so much for all of your help!! So excited
Excellent news @malinMN! Glad to hear you got everything you wanted. Now you’ll get magic bands soon and before you know it’ll be time to go!
Glad to hear it! A great feeling for sure!