FPP Change Notice Never Went Away, Funny

This has been at the top of My Reservations page since last year:

My Plans Change There’s been a change to your FastPass+ selection for Splash Mountain on 10/27/2013. Visit My Plans for details.

Still kind of freaks me out. :stuck_out_tongue:

Someone get @PianoMinnie a Delorean. She has a FPP window to make.


I have the same thing from last March, but I think it’s for Splash!

I have the same thing for Test Track for last October, too!
Very annoying, because if I really do get a NEW FPP change, I probably won’t notice it.

Call Len for time travel! lol

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There’s a little X on the top right corner of the message. You have to click that to dismiss it. Just viewing the message doesn’t make it go away.

@Mr_Itty to the rescue! :smile:

I’m going to assume you didn’t mean that to be as condescending as it sounded. There’s no button to dismiss it on MY page, and if there was, I would have clicked it. :smile:

Wasn’t being condescending at all, actually. It took me a while to figure it out too. If I recall correctly, the X only appears as you’re hovering your mouse over the notice. It’s not on this image from late last year, but I know I clicked an X to close it.

Thanks again…tried that too. Still there. Oh well, I’ve lived with it this long. :smile:

Here’s a new one from this year:

There was an issue retrieving your reservations. Please try again later.

Right above my reservations. HA!