Filming of ABC Christmas special in MK

I just found out that I will be in MK at the same as this event (Nov. 9). Reading about it, it looks like attending the Christmas parade or looking at the fireworks (actually just being in the hub or on Main Street) will be a hot mess. Anyone here experienced this event ? Any tips, warnings, ideas, prayers or pagan offerings are welcome…


Tom Bricker published a long post on this a few days ago. Lots of detail.


Yes thank you, his post was the main driver to all my questioning. Information tends to make me have more questions, not less lol !!!


Tom actually reads his comments if you wanted to ask him directly about something.


Yes but years ago

Maybe early 2000s like 2001 or possibly 2006

We were asked if we wanted to be on tv and watch that days parade at like 10 am or so which would then be televised later.

My mind instantly went to “oh, fewer folks interested in rides :grin:” and said thanks but no to the parade. The person was quite surprised. Apparently most responses were in the affirmative.

I don’t recall now if the non-parade areas seemed less congested. But looking at the tv when the parade was shown, I’m glad we didn’t participate.

I don’t have any tips or offerings ideas. Except I like to watch the parade when it’s televised and I didn’t feel any “oh, man I wish we’d chosen to sit in the sun for extra time so we could be part of this crowd”

Instead the parade kept reminding me that we chose wisely.

But I could be an outlier


I think I’d be an outlier too !!! :grinning:

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