File this under: Completely normal and not weird at all

Starch, essentially. Most, if not all new clothing is treated with starch and other chemicals to make is appear crisp and bright. Men’s dress shirt are the worst - DW grumbles every time that I refuse to wear a crisp, new shirt until it has been laundered (and consequently ironed).

it’s called sizing? Wow, I had no idea.

I actually pretty strongly dislike shopping malls and shopping for clothes, in general. All the fibers and…sizes? (:laughing:) that are on all the clothes just irritates my eyes. Before I go wearing something I want all of that (and the lint, and the germs off of everybody’s hands) off of it!

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I’ll wear socks straight out of the package, but everything else that will touch my skin must go through the wash first.


To be clear — who knew this thread would take off? — it’s just socks and pants I’m planning on wearing new. My past experience is that they are delightfully soft when new and — as has been observed — if I were superrich I’d only ever wear new socks.

New shirts — particularly formal ones — are ghastly.

New duvet covers? I literally have to wash them half a dozen times until I can sleep under them.


Especially considering that biblically feet does not always mean feet…


Remember your audience here - are you talking Brit English pants (underpants) or Am English pants (trousers)? :wink:

Either way, I wash ‘em before I wear ‘em…

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I saw an episode of a murder mystery tv show where the victims were poisoned by chemicals on new blue jeans. It was probably CSI or Bones or one of the science-y ones. I’ve always washed new clothes since then. :wink:

I never wash new clothes before wearing, except certain brands of scrubs which are as “ghastly” as the formal shirts mentioned up above when new


Oh, with blue jeans, I try to wash them as LITTLE as possible. They become less and less blue each time. As a result, after reading about how the CEO of Levi Strauss or something never washed his jeans EVER, I decided to give it a go. The end result is that I end up going 1-2 months between washes and they have stayed newer looking far longer as a result.

(This is for dark wash jeans…light jeans, it probably doesn’t matter so much.)

Anyhow, if I’m slowing being poisoned by my jeans, I’ll blame the CEO of Levi Strauss .


I do the same with my jeans, I like them dark.

The new items are underwear items.

And I’m with the Levis guy, I only ever wash my jeans if I spill something on them.

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Here is a great chart on how often you need to wash different clothing items:

“Jeans: When they smell”

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Hopefully if you follow this rule you have an average or better sense of smell or else you are walking around in smelly jeans and don’t know it.

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You mean I am doing way tooo much laundry for NO REASON?!?!

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I’ve never heard of this concern … Consider me learned. :slight_smile:


Funny how times have changed. When I was in high school, if you didn’t wash your jeans at least 4 or 5 times before wearing them you were mocked; “new” looking jeans were a major faux pas…

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