Feedback on early plans

Squee! Book-loving liners will understand. I just bought several picture books about the Smithsonian Museums. I used to buy the Museum book at the end of the visit. Then one time I found something super cool in the book that I’d ignored in the museum because it was small and not shiny. So, since then if I know I’m going to a museum I buy the book used beforehand.

I got one that is the highlights of all the museums.
One on the Portrait Gallery, another on the Air and Space and another on the Natural History. I got all four for cheaper than one new.

Oh, and I already have one that is the 100 most important documents in the archives.

This is unusual for a trip to lead to this many museum book purchases. Normally it is zero to one, but D.C. is special.
DH said he’d like to spend a day in each of the Portrait Gallery and the Air and Space Museum. Normally he is the one hustling me through a museum.