Fastpass reservations

Trying to make FastPass reservations 60 days out and the calendar is showing only 30 days out. Wait time to talk with customer service is 45 minutes!

Did they not adjust with the time change? Where is the call center located? Anyone know?

I was finally able to speak with someone (after 45 minutest) and yes…it is the time change. So, 8am the race begins.

I wonder where the call center is located.

Same thing happened to me 3 weeks ago. Tried to log in at midnight, and only showed 30 days not 60. Tried again at 7am EST and the same thing. Didn’t want to wait 45 minutes for customer service.
Then I tried again about 7:20 and everything was good. Booked 60+ days out, and got everything I wanted, when I wanted. (± 30 minutes)