I’ve just been alerted to this from another website.
This site states that if staying onsite you can make fastpasses 60 days ahead for up to 10 days of your stay.
This is absolutely 100% NOT the case. It is for length of stay. We have always stayed for 12 days or more, up to 21, and have been able to make them for our entire stay onsite. No work around required, never an issue. And plenty of other UK visitors do exactly the same. Disney site confirms it too.
How do I send this in for the information to be updated?
No wonder I seem to be countering this common myth about once a week on here!
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I would email webmaster@touringplans.com- although I did that right away when there was a problem with the dashboard countdown (which I think was fixed when @len was tagged here)- so the tag may work too 
Part of the issue may be that in the US we can’t buy tickets for more than 10 days at a time. Disney only makes those tickets available in the UK (and maybe Europe) for some reason.
To get us to come all that way! Seriously, that’s why. A family of 4 is going to be spending around $3000 to $4000 on flights to get across. Noone’s going to want to pay that for 7 nights.
So sell “14 nights for the price of 7” or “21 nights for the price of 14” and people buy them. And it’s worth it too, even if you don’t use every day of the ticket.
But clearly a lot of people assume the 10 day ADR rule also applies to fastpasses. What I hadn’t realised until today was that in the detailed step by step instructions on TP, it specifically states it. It isn’t on the main page though.
Oh, I can understand why they do it, in some ways I just find it odd that in the US you can’t buy anything longer than 10 days other than an Annual Pass. A 10 day Park Hopper is $570 retail it appears ($520 at the cheapest vendor) - how cheap is a 14 day or 21 day pass in the UK? Using tix as a loss leader to entice you to make the flight makes sense and much past the 10 Day in the US would push into Annual Pass range anyway so it may not be a big deal, it is just a little different…
The current price for a 14 day ticket is around $467.
That’s for unlimited water parks, 1round of mini golf a day, park hoppers and memory maker.
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Should have said, that is the offer price, 14 days for 7.
21 days is currently $511.
Those offers tend to run from the start of the year to about August booking period. Unless someone really wanted to book near the end of the year and couldn’t wait to buy tickets, they would get the special offer.
Tickets also include Oak Trail golf and ESPN too.
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Wow - that’s quite a deal. 4 more days for $100 less plus memory maker, waterparks, golf etc. Thanks for the prices.
I’m forever correcting that, didn’t realise it was in the instructions!