What do you fastpass at DHS? Other than Toy Story nothing else really works for us. My daughter is 4 and will not ride thrill rides and when we travel with her they are not in our list do list.
Hi disneygirl17-
My 4 year daughter loves Disney Jr., Live on Stage, so we use FastPass+ for that. We’ve also used it for Great Movie Ride and Voyage of the Little Mermaid. (We go at busy times of the year - so, those 3 have had long lines - especially in the afternoons.)
Over July 4th, we did Toy Story, Mermaid, and Disney Junior, but we really didn’t need them for anything aside from Toy Story. If you’re not doing the thrill rides, I’m not sure it is worth it to make lots of Fastpass ressies.
I think I will do Disney Jr and the great movie ride. Thanks for the help
@disneygirl17 the great movie ride is now in tier 1 with toy story, so unfortunately you won’t be able to pick both.
If you book TSMM early in the day and use it first then you may be able to go online to MDE and change an additional FPP to get an another FPP to TSMM later in the same day.
Yea my problem is I can’t really find enough attractions to use fp on. Most rides in that park do not need pf when we go. (Off season).