Fast Pass for whole week 30 days out

CAn someone please explain how the 30 day window works for FP. Lets say Im staying off property (so can only book 30 days out). I have a 3 day pass but will be there a week. I am there from May30-June6th. Am I only able to book FP for May 30, June 1, June 2? I cant book for the entire weeks stay? We are spreading out the parks and starting June 2, June 4th etc…will i have to wait another day or two to get FP reservations for later in my week’s stay? Thank you.

I hate to be the bearer of bad news @kev687304 but guests that have the 30 day window can only make them day by day as the window opens.

You can book the number of days you have a ticket for. So if you have a 3 day ticket for your weeks stay, you need to choose three days to book FP for. if you had a 5 day ticket you could book 5 days of FP. Each day can be booked 30 days before.